belt rubbing on tyre

Energy One


I would check if you have a laser you can line across the pulleys to see if their aligned correctly meaning one might need offset or if they are in line then your back to what other people are suggesting


Well-Known Member
If it tracks ok with the washers in there then you will be fine with the pulley spacer. Did you get it from motorway? If not make sure it has the indexing ring that fits inside the pulley otherwise you may end up with sheared bolts.


Well-Known Member
agree with what the boys have said. If you now have clearance and your belt is tracking true then job done.


not got a pulley spacer yet .
just tried the washers to see if what thickness i would need for the spacer.
i am going to get one before i go out on it
any ideas where i can get one from in the uk.


Well-Known Member
Zodiac has them but not 1/4" on the page I'm looking at - 1.5mm or 5mm. Give Andy a call at AFB Motorcycles - he should be able get you what you need or get one made for you 01278 444303.


New Member
I just a new tire install and having a similar issue. I went from the Avon to a Metzler, surely there is not that much of an issue to cause the belt to rub on the tire. The tolerances were tight prior to the new tire, but something is definitely not right with my tire


Troop Supporter
Metzler tires tend to run a little wider than Avons. Some have used fine sand paper and sanded the side a little to get the clearance they need...


Made in the USA
I would start by disassembling the rear wheel and remove the swing arm to check out the SA bushings etc. to start then go from there.

Possibly change the outer spacers if needed and belt rotor spacing from wheel hub then rear brake disc if able.