New Member
Ok boys I have a good one for y'all.... I was riding home from bike night and all of a sudden the bike lost all engine power. Pulled over and it wouldn't even crank, but I had power to lights. I popped the seat of checked all fuse's, fuses good. Then I look at my connections to the battery, here's the problem!! Luck has it the moons aligned and i see a broken positive and Negative wires, really at the same time! So I re- hook them up and she start to turn over. Then I smell plastic burning! So the first thing I do is rip the negative off the bike. I see smoke coming from the cam sensor plate so I take the plate off. WTH!!! My cam sensor melted! (Btw, I replaced my EHC with a wire-plus 4 months ago and never any issues) could the cam sensor have melted do to the wires coming lose??? Thanks for any help dog's