EHC replacement

Energy One


One of the old ones.
I agree, but I'm not too experienced in this. I know the coil is a dual fire and the same unit alternately fires both plugs on the power stroke.
If that coil were failing when hot (like they tend to do), it makes sense the engine would stop running, but this doesn't necessarily explain the front plug being fouled.
I would change the spark plugs first because they are cheap. Then the coil. I looked in the manual and it says to diagnose coil problems by eliminating everything else....hmmmmmm.


Active Member
Hi Dean,

hm, an update is not possible, cause I have no computer connector cable outside at the box, what would make trouble when it comes to water proof. Don´t worry, I have the same function in my G-Box ( ) and in my D-Box implemented and right now there was no response from any customer that he had experienced this problem and I sell about 15 - 20 times more of my other electronic boxes. I have switched my own EHC back to the "Auto" mode after a few days running with the "traditional" mode, cause I feel it much more comfortable to start the bike immediately after turning the key (or switching on the ignition via smartphone in my bike.) .

However, just contact me at if you feel a bit worry and we´ll find a solution :)

All the best!


Active Member
Hi Todd and Rick,

Thanks for the suggestions. I think you are right. I just ordered 2 spark plugs from Amazon and will order a coil from Bikehouse Sweden when the change was not successful. Then everything should be fine. Let´s see. I´ll keep you inform when my bike is back on the road for a longer time than 2 minutes :)

All the best!


Active Member

Just an update: I got the spark plugs today and have put it in. Everything is fine again. Riding the bike is already a bit "boaring". Nothing is shaking and makes (additional) noise. The new ignition is fantastic (except that I get a wrong signal for the rpm indicator and my led´s in the speedo play "disco flashlight" when the engine rpm is slow but who to fu.. need rpm indicator. I´ll take care for it at the next wintertime) It´s unbelieavable what spark plugs can do. It´s difficult for me to understand why they work fine when cold and fail when hot. However it works :) and I can do some miles within this weekend.

All the best and a nice weekend!


Well-Known Member

Just an update: I got the spark plugs today and have put it in. Everything is fine again. Riding the bike is already a bit "boaring". Nothing is shaking and makes (additional) noise. The new ignition is fantastic (except that I get a wrong signal for the rpm indicator and my led´s in the speedo play "disco flashlight" when the engine rpm is slow but who to fu.. need rpm indicator. I´ll take care for it at the next wintertime) It´s unbelieavable what spark plugs can do. It´s difficult for me to understand why they work fine when cold and fail when hot. However it works :) and I can do some miles within this weekend.

All the best and a nice weekend!
Thanks for the update.
I am glad to hear it was only plugs.


Active Member

First I want to thank you all for your great and helpful posts in this forum. You all helped me with the right suggestions to develope my EHC modules almost 3 years ago. Now there are already some hundred of my EHC´s implemented in great bikes. I never expected this quantity when I started the development. Thanks a lot for your trust and your help! (Thanks also to Rollo from Hamburg for his unbelievable patience, when he had used one of my first EHC´s in his bike, that died 2 1/2 years ago in a rain shower in Spain, far away from any village... )

However, It´s already far too cold to ride my Ridgeback here in Germany (Ok, I´m not a hero...). My bikes are in the garage and connected to battery chargers and I just make some software updates in my other electronic boxes. I also would like to make a few minor software updates in the EHC devices within the winter time and want to ask, what software option could be on your wish list? One update might be the possibility to switch off the head light when pressing the light button longer than 2 seconds. Any suggestions or other ideas ? Is there anything what you don´t like on your existing EHC and what could be solved with a software update for future EHC´s ?

Al the best!


Active Member
Hi Kobi,

Sorry, a software update is not possible. I decided to make the boxes as waterproof as possible before and every additional connector to the "rest of the world" like a pc makes any kind trouble (You see what happen in the old EHC...). However, the older EHC work also w/o trouble if they don´t have this function implemented. I hope it would be ok.

All the best!


How about headlight off when transmission is in neutral? Is this a possibility?

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


Active Member
Hi Joose3,

Hm, the neutral switch just passes the EHC but is not connected internal to the microcontroller. It will need a bit hardware modification to check it. I´ll keep it in mind. However I´m also a bit afraid what happen if you wait at night time in front of a red traffic light and the gearbox is in "neutral" position. Let´s keep it in mind as well...

All the best!


Isn't there a sensor in the speedo/tach that senses the ambient light? Can this be put in series with the neutral switch to turn off the headlight? The ambient light sensor probably does not go into the EHC either??? Just a thought.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk


Active Member
Hi Joose3,

Yes, there is a sensor in the speedo/tach.

By the way, I just make a something similar product for a catalogue distributor here in Europe ( ) It´s a head light switch what toggle between low beam and daytime light, depending of the ambience brightness. Here is the schema:


The first prototypes are ready and I´ll bring it on the way to them next week. Just send me a message to with your contact details if you would like to try one prototype and I can put one device in an envelope and bring it on the way to you.

All the best!


Active Member

It´s long time ago that I have found the time to look in this forum. I was a bit busy with some developments and even had not much time to ride my Ridgeback within this season. I hope the next year will allow more to do more miles. However, I just want to let you know about a few news what I have implemented in the new EHC:

- The distance between the 2 screws is now the OEM distance what allow a faster implementation w/o an additional hole.
- I have implemented a battery voltage test what will indicate the battery voltage with 3 led´s. The new EHC switch off the
ignition, if overvoltages above 18 Volt are are present for longer than 1 second due due a defect OEM charger.
- You can switch off the head light by pressing the button for 2 seconds
- You can add the neutral switch in the settings what prevent the bike to start if the gear box is not in neutral position.
- I have made the rear light section more compatible to the US bikes what give more brightness of the rear light if you still use the
old OEM inserts.
- The starter will switch off after about 10 seconds if you press the button longer than 10 seconds. This prevent to burn the starter
if the handle bar switch is hanging. A release of the button aloow to start again.

Last but not least, I have add a connector for a bluetooth module in the EHC what allow to send the actual battery voltage value to your smartphone, testing all the EHC functions via your smartphone and even start your bike if the neutral switch is closed. However, I know that the remote control function is more a toy and useless as long as you don´t own a Big Dod workshop but it had not hurt me to implement the extra connector and the software in the EHC. For myself I have fun to sit outside of my favourite Italian restaurant and start the bike via my phone ;-). Just feel free to download the app from my website and play a bit around with it.

I attach a few pics and the new manual.

All the best and I hope that you had more time to ride this year than me...

