Handlebar Control Switches????


Low Down Chop Shop
You'd need the 2004+ hand controls, 2004+ bars, 2005+ backbone harness and a 2005 and up EHC or Wire-Plus module.


The Pirate
Staff member
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And the 04+ speedo bucket, mount and tach ring and whatever it takes to convert yours over.


Low Down Chop Shop
The speedo and tach doesn't run through the EHC, so you can go other routes there. But if you want to fill the void on the handlebars, yes you'll need it.


The Cleaner
Troop Supporter
aside from the challenge of doing it, why would you want to?

PC board water intrusion, micro switch BS, different bar diameter and all the other crap associated with those new controls.

Seems like more trouble than it is worth to me but hey, rock on and good luck!


Don't do it Dude! A buddy of mine did it to his 03 just cause he wanted the new Speedo and Tach set up. Then he had to go with the new controls and whatnot. Every turn he took.. he needed a different nut... cable... connector... bla, bla, bla... Took him all winter to get it right. Now he's bound to the BDM set up. BUT, He did get it working. With our 03 .. you can put a variety of "stock" HD controls on there. Even just change out the buttons to chrome, with or without letters or icons on them. Search some of the on-line catalogs for options. There are some nifty setups out there.

Just my :zz2cents:


Active Member
And I will gladly take that 03 prehistoric crap you don't want off your hands!:D
Well said LDO, I wouldn't do it but that's just me. I just thought I would help someone out if the needed some items that I have on hand. After going through about 3 or 4 control switches on my 05 I stocked up on replacements
so I would be ready in case of a switch failure in the future.