Energy One

Tomtang aka Reptilejim

Well-Known Member
I had my bike in the shop 2 weeks ago to have a 10k mile check and gave the guy a list of things that I wanted replaced and checked. He said that he knew already that it was exstensive. I picked my bike up 3 days later. First I noticed that my clutch was adjusted better. Sometimes I got a different feel,like the bike wasn't tracking right-like the rearend was floating or something. Last Saturday I went riding and was running about 90mph when I hear a strange grinding sound coming from primary side. I check it and it is coming from the primary-sound like a chain dragging against a metal cover.
When I get home I check the fluid in the primary- has bout a half a quart fluid. I removed that fluid and added 40 oz. Still have the problem. Getting ready to remove primary to check chain (primary). Just saying?1??:down::loony:


I just wanta ride
I had my bike in the shop 2 weeks ago to have a 10k mile check and gave the guy a list of things that I wanted replaced and checked. He said that he knew already that it was exstensive. I picked my bike up 3 days later. First I noticed that my clutch was adjusted better. Sometimes I got a different feel,like the bike wasn't tracking right-like the rearend was floating or something. Last Saturday I went riding and was running about 90mph when I hear a strange grinding sound coming from primary side. I check it and it is coming from the primary-sound like a chain dragging against a metal cover.
When I get home I check the fluid in the primary- has bout a half a quart fluid. I removed that fluid and added 40 oz. Still have the problem. Getting ready to remove primary to check chain (primary). Just saying?1??:down::loony:

Let me know how things are working out where you able to get the clutch nut and front sprocket off. Once you have those two off its a piece of cake. The inner primary will have about six bolts with locking tabs just keep the bolts in the correct hole. Will have 6 ring seals behind the inner primary. Once the inner primary is off then you will see the gray flat cap that the countershaft bolt and washer will be. I will try to get some past pics that I had taken.



I just wanta ride
Sounds great. Reading back on this long thread I have learned so much I kinda laugh at the lack of knowledge I had. I am not saying I know it all now but this site is so valuble.


Do yourself a favor and check the clutch basket for wobble. "rock it back and forth." Also check your outer Primary cover for any gouges on the inside of it. Sounds like a similar problem I had with a main shaft bearing failure. Was able to "rock" the clutch basket as if the nut was loose. Wish thats all it was!!


Well-Known Member
my bike did this same noist this summer an it was the bearings in the trans!! its a lot of work to ckeck but it might be worth the look!!! how many miles on the bike??


hope you found your problem just noticed your post. i had similar problem, started with having to adjust clutch several times then ended up with noise like what you described. thought it was throwout bearing, was not. if you still have the primary off, grab clucth hub/basket lift up down back and forth. what i found was the main bearing on the trans input shaft. upon tear down 3 bearings total bad