Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! (I think my dog is dead....)

Energy One


Ok, just checked the tach, the clip was in place and not touching anything, same symptoms persist even when disconnected.

I tried connecting my car battery, no luck.

I tried disconnecting every visible connector near the EHC, one by one, no luck.

My EHC says:

Big Dog Motorcycles
171-000010-00 rev C (the mention rev C is blackened with a permanent pen)
Carb EHC 01-0476-00 RE
S/N 03968

I will try taking the tank out to check for a short underneath it tomorrow.

Oh, and there is a new symptom:

When I turn the key, the headlamp goes on for half a second, the leds lit up on the EHC, then the indicators start blinking, and OCCASIONALLY the horn emits a short honk.

The weather has been great these last few days, frustrates the hell out of me...

Do you think it is worth ordering a new EHC (or two)?

Thanks a lot for your help!


The Pirate
Staff member
Calendar Participant
Troop Supporter
When I turn the key, the headlamp goes on for half a second, the leds lit up on the EHC, then the indicators start blinking, and OCCASIONALLY the horn emits a short honk.
This is your system telling you your battery is not providing enough power.


Well, it does'nt make sense, I tried using cables with my car battery and it did'nt make a difference... Also, it stalled while I was riding, does'nt add up with the flat battery theory...


Well-Known Member
Have you had the battery tested? Will the starter spin the engine? Have you pulled the connector at the EHC and checked corrision?


Battery is ok, I checked with another battery, sarter does'nt work, in fact nothing works... I did checked the connector of the EHC, no corrosion there...

Night Train, any idea?


Well-Known Member
I am assuming you have checked the battery connections and they are clean and tight? Also check the ground connection at the starter and be sure it is clean and tight. Trying to rule out all the simple stuff first. When you turn on the key switch you say everthing will light up and go dead. Are there any lights on the the ehc lite and if so which ones? If you can take picture and post the ehc lights if any are lite.


Dead Dog

I had a similar issue with my 2004 Ridgeback. While riding the engine would stall and run erratically, the lights and tach would do wierd things. When I took the seat off and pushed on the connector going into the computer the bike ran fine, the lights worked etc. Riding a little more, the connector would vibrate loose and same issue. I disconnecteed the battery and removed the connector, took it apart, cleaned the contacts on both the connector and computer. Tip: I used a cutting torch tip cleaner file of the appropriate size on the connector. I was amazed at the corrosion that I removed. I also put a little conductive electrical grease on the connector being careful to wipe off the excess so I wouldn't short out between pins. I reconnected and put a tie wrap around the computer and the plug to hold the plug in place to keep it from vibrating. I haven't had a problem since.

Also, check any and all wires that may have worn through insullation and are shorting. I had a problem about a year ago with a wire under the tank. Found and fixed it all is well.
Sounds like a short in one of your wires. Look under your rear fender and check if the wiring harness to the rear lights are worn through. I had the same symptoms you're going through with my '04


Guys, sorry but it does'nt make sense, the BDM bikes have a lot of sub connectors going to every major parts of the circuit, i tried disconnecting as many of these as I could find and still ended with the same symptoms, I am totally inept when it comes to electricity but as far as I can see it seems to me that the problem is the dreaded EHC

I will proceed to a last check tomorrow, taking the tank apart and going thru every electrical connection, after that I'll order a new EHC...

Night Train, your opinion?

Thank you all for your help! It's a blessing! I'm the only dog owner in my country!


I wish I had more money.
If you live close to a shot take your bike up there and see if they have test ehc to hook up to it. If that is the case they can just put the new one in on the spot. I took mine up two days ago and they were more than happy to do it. They didn't have one in stock so I had to wait till yesterdy and I put it in myself. All is good.
I can test your EHC if you want to send it to me. If you pay for shipping to and from I'll check it out for free. My zip is 67110 if you want to estimate shipping and PM me if you need my mailing address. It is sounding more and more like this could be the issue but I couldn't say for sure.

You may call BDM customer support as well. I know your bike is out of warranty but you may have a warranty on the EHC since it is a retrofit. I am not sure what if any warranty they have for this retrofit but it doesn't hurt to check. I would think it would have some type of warranty.

Let us know what you find under the tank. It could very easily be a crushed connector causing your problem.


The Pirate
Staff member
Calendar Participant
Troop Supporter
If you live close to a shot take your bike up there and see if they have test ehc to hook up to it. If that is the case they can just put the new one in on the spot. I took mine up two days ago and they were more than happy to do it. They didn't have one in stock so I had to wait till yesterdy and I put it in myself. All is good.
Mike, he lives in Brussels. No shop over there would most likely have the software to check it. Thats kind of why were really trying with this guy as any of the other overseas!

:cheers: :flag: :cheers:


I finally found the time to check under the tank, no crushed connectors, nothing weird with the cables, nothing at all...

I tried disconnecting them all, except from the one going to the key, and I still have the same symptoms.

Disconnected the EHC, later model with adapter board, it was correctly seated, connectors filled with dielectric grease, no corrosion, nothing...

Checked the battery, 12,9v, everything normal...

What do I do?

Do I order a new EHC?

Or two maybe?

Or do I order the kit to get rid of it, taking into account it is certainly the second EHC the bike has known...

I sent two emails to the BDM customer service and did'nt get a single answer, it seems they don't care very much about their overseas customers...

Help, please...


Active Member
I finally found the time to check under the tank, no crushed connectors, nothing weird with the cables, nothing at all...

I tried disconnecting them all, except from the one going to the key, and I still have the same symptoms.

Disconnected the EHC, later model with adapter board, it was correctly seated, connectors filled with dielectric grease, no corrosion, nothing...

Checked the battery, 12,9v, everything normal...

What do I do?

Do I order a new EHC?

Or two maybe?

Or do I order the kit to get rid of it, taking into account it is certainly the second EHC the bike has known...

I sent two emails to the BDM customer service and did'nt get a single answer, it seems they don't care very much about their overseas customers...

Help, please...

I would suggest mailing the EHC to Nighttrain as he has volunteered to test it for free. Or, do I like I did and take the whole damn bike a part, re assemble and have the same problem before taking it to a shop anyways.. Just my suggestion.


Thanks for the advice.

My options are pretty limited as there are no BDM shops in europe.

Just want to make sure I checked all options before sending my EHC to another continent...


Ok, that's it!

I'm ordering the wire plus kit from Jake, along with a pre-wired 2004 harness...

I read enough horror stories...

I can live with a malfunctionning horn, tach, speedo, or indicator, in fact I rode a custom HD for 6 years that did'nt have any of these, but I need something I can trust, and that can be fixed by the average HD mechanic, and I seems to me that ditching the EHC is the way to go...

And BTW: Fuck BDM and their non existing customer service policy, how can you sell a bike for 35k and then not answer a simple email!

If I had more cash to spend I would probably get rid of everything BDM specific on the bike...

Thank you all for your help! It is great to feel supported by fellow dog owners! I'll let you know how it goes!