They said not to use a power drill but to use a hand chuck. Which would take time but better safe than sorry. Guess I’ll be looking for a .050 still bit lol
They told ya drill it bigger.....lol. Go slow, be easy and make sure you get all FOD out. You can almost do it by hand with a drill that small. If ya cant find a drill...pm me.They said not to use a power drill but to use a hand chuck. Which would take time but better safe than sorry. Guess I’ll be looking for a .050 still bit lol
Careful the drill bit don't grab and pull it in, though it is a small bit.Yep they told me to not use a power drill. Which is smart becuase a lot of people don’t understand not to just go drilling like a wild man and bear tons of pressure on the drill til oops!! lol
I found a cheap hand chuck. But I also have a drill press in the garage. I’ll probably use it and proceed with extreme caution. I’m not much on bearing down on something with pressure. I’ll try that and just drill a little at a time til it goes through.
I’ll just wait til I’m on my next run of days off when I get my jets and do everything at once.
Thanks for that HMAN i appreciate the offer for help. You guys are great.
I already have the .48 jet for it. I’m gonna try the 78 and 32 jets before I do anything.If you are drilling it, drill it and tap it so it will take the air bleed jets so you can swap them back if need be.
Remember bigger air bleed delays the main jet kicking in. I would go bigger main jet before playing with air bleed.
Curtis at wild steed workx sells air bleed jets.
Definitely your air bleed... I am running .060 there is very little difference between sizes... I was advised to go from .040 (stock) straight to .060 by some Carb Gurus... and yup! all good!!!Thanks good read. I actually went to a 78 main jet. Did help the flat spot at 70ish mph. But did not “fix” the issue. Still a dead spot in the throttle where I have to be accelerating or it just falls on its face. I guess I’m gonna have to add baffles somehow, put longer pipes on or drill the air bleed to .050. It’s driving me nuts.
But I’d still take this over a new harley
Yes sir. It was almost unrideable with the aux bowl plug. That was a tremendous help. But now to deal with air bleed. Will I need to remove the carb? Or u think I could get enough access with only taking the bowl off?Definitely your air bleed... I am running .060 there is very little difference between sizes... I was advised to go from .040 (stock) straight to .060 by some Carb Gurus... and yup! all good!!!
And, you have already got rid of the Bowl Vent Plug... right???
If you need to drill I would remove the Carb. If it is changing jets only, Air Bleed jets are exactly the same as Main Jets, then you can do it with only taking the bowl off.Yes sir. It was almost unrideable with the aux bowl plug. That was a tremendous help. But now to deal with air bleed. Will I need to remove the carb? Or u think I could get enough access with only taking the bowl off?