jajajjajajajjajajajaj neta por unos momentos me espante!!!!! No seas cabron!! Estas viendo y no ves!!!!
sorry guys, Fer, everytime you write down here do it in english buddy, pleaseeeeeeeee!!! dont wanna that Arizona law here!!!! :roll:
what was that??????????:lol:
sorry guys he was literally trying to say:
damn, i shit my pants!!! dont be such a smartazz, you know im having these doubts and you bullshitting me!!!
or sommin like that.... :roll:
WTF is that? somethin about carbon coming out someones ass while he's watching Dora the explorer
Damn Lars, I remember this time in a summer camp in Oregon that I was teaching some cool "spanish words" to a real nice child (we were like 9 years old) and in the middle of the class he start yelling aaaaall these bad words. :roll:
that bilingual teacher was really mad