Horn and hazards on but doesn’t start

Energy One
I have a 2005 Mastiff when I turn the key horn blows and hazards come on but nothing else. I charged the battery started the next day and died on me after 2 miles and horn came on again all I did was unhook the battery hooked it back up and it started. Then this morning it tried to do it again at the gas station all I did was turn the key off then back on and it fired right up? Anyone have any ideas here thanks
Wasn’t sure where mine just stopped while I was riding, in hooked the battery hooked it back up and was fine until the next day. It is a daily driver for me


Well-Known Member
I'd start with the basics, throw a meter on ur battery, should be about 12.5 to 12.7 volts not in use and about 13.5 to 14 volts with bike running. If that checks out I'd go old school and disconnect and hold the two leads together for about 30 seconds or so and try and reset ur EHC.. good luck and let us know.


Well-Known Member
I'd start with the basics, throw a meter on ur battery, should be about 12.5 to 12.7 volts not in use and about 13.5 to 14 volts with bike running. If that checks out I'd go old school and disconnect and hold the two leads together for about 30 seconds or so and try and reset ur EHC.. good luck and let us know.
And check where the voltage drops when you push start... kind of load test it....