Gentlemen and Brothers,
After re-reading the previous postings, I see that I most likely "misinterpreting" the postings. Evidently I have the same material inside of my head, as the outside of my avatars head! "NOTHING"!
But no excuses here, I have none. I "Fd-Up", and I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to "all" the persons posting replies, site members and outside viewers as well.:flag: I'm very sorry and It won't happen again!
And "IF NOT" misinterpreted, "Screw It" I'll re-post it later!
TheDeadOne or just "STUPID"!

Gentlemen and Brothers,
After re-reading the previous postings, I see that I most likely "misinterpreting" the postings. Evidently I have the same material inside of my head, as the outside of my avatars head! "NOTHING"!
And "IF NOT" misinterpreted, "Screw It" I'll re-post it later!
TheDeadOne or just "STUPID"!
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