How to Remove Pistons

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Gentlemen and Brothers,
After re-reading the previous postings, I see that I most likely "misinterpreting" the postings. Evidently I have the same material inside of my head, as the outside of my avatars head! "NOTHING"! :confused: :confused: But no excuses here, I have none. I "Fd-Up", and I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to "all" the persons posting replies, site members and outside viewers as well.:flag: I'm very sorry and It won't happen again!
And "IF NOT" misinterpreted, "Screw It" I'll re-post it later! :D

TheDeadOne or just "STUPID"!:confused: :confused: :confused:
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Well-Known Member
???? Whats up DeadOne it looks to me like you know what you're talking about and I'm sure your input is hugely valued here.

Yeah Gas you are right about the S&S IST ignition, good thinking - Dakota, might be something for you to think about. It has heat sensors and knock sensors and will automatically adjust the timing. Me and HDLarry are running this system and it works great. Its pricey though and takes up a lot of room. I did a how to on the install if you want to check it out.
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Well-Known Member
Gentlemen and Brothers,
After re-reading the previous postings, I see that I most likely "misinterpreting" the postings. Evidently I have the same material inside of my head, as the outside of my avatars head! "NOTHING"! :confused: :confused: But no excuses here, I have none. I "Fd-Up", and I would like to offer my sincerest apologies to "all" the persons posting replies, site members and outside viewers as well.:flag: I'm very sorry and It won't happen again!
And "IF NOT" misinterpreted, "Screw It" I'll re-post it later! :D

TheDeadOne or just "STUPID"!:confused: :confused: :confused:
wtf seems like you got some experience. Let it out:spank:
Watch it now hoat, I've been known to enjoy a good :spank: ing or two, if she really looks that good too me! :D or anfer, (I mean "after") a few too many beers! :roll: And we're not that good of friends yet! :D :lol: :D
But seriously here, I do apologise to everyone, and I'd be more than happy to help in any way that I can. :2thumbs:


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ok now we have that straight ordering all parts tomorrow thanks to S&S for sending my Engine Documented. I will post it tomorrow if I can from work. And 05Chop Thanks for your direction and Dead one YOU TOO.

Hope to put it together Saturday or Sunday. Hate Break in Period but have to get 1500 miles on this fast so I can enjoy my Pup again


Active Member
i take it your not going to make it up to ruidoso. not that i'm going either, but you're so close, it has to be a bummer.


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I had 15 bikers in the bar last night. One on a Dog and gave him the Website card I made up. Yeah makes me ticked the timing couldnt have been better but I am not complaining I got lucky


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Worked on the bike last night from 6pm and at Midnight

Rode it home and no runs no drips no errors
Started the breakin Period of 50 miles :2thumbs:

Its hard not to open it up and run that dog :roll:

Rode it to work and kept it under 2 1/2 RPM and it was smooth:up:

I will load the pictures later but best thing is up and running

Big B

Active Member
Worked on the bike last night from 6pm and at Midnight

Rode it home and no runs no drips no errors
Started the breakin Period of 50 miles :2thumbs:

Its hard not to open it up and run that dog :roll:

Rode it to work and kept it under 2 1/2 RPM and it was smooth:up:

I will load the pictures later but best thing is up and running
Wow and I sat around and drank beer all night. :job: I feel like such a bum now.

You sure didn't waste any time. Congrats on getting it going.


No shit! down time = 10 days?!?!?! that is some serious crunch time!

Congrates! Glad your up and runnin!


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Yeah it took a 12 pack (2 Guys) to get the bike up and running.

I have to get a new tappet screen. And getting a oil Temp and pressure gauge and found a Chrome oil cooler "Dual Cool" that I am ordering tonight then I will be GTG
D have you thought of running a K&P oil filter as well? It'll help some with the cooling. And you can tell whats going on inside the motor when changing the oil and "cleaning" the filter. I use one and love it. Kind of dual purpose, plus looks good.
Just a thought.

Chopper Dave

Worked on the bike last night from 6pm and at Midnight

Rode it home and no runs no drips no errors
Started the breakin Period of 50 miles :2thumbs:

Its hard not to open it up and run that dog :roll:

Rode it to work and kept it under 2 1/2 RPM and it was smooth:up:

I will load the pictures later but best thing is up and running
glad to hear that your back on the road!:whoop: :cheers: :up:
Hey, also keep an eye on those plugs from time to time. They have a tendency to soot up during start up and give you a false reading from there on out. Need to check between new/clean to 30 to 50 miles to get a decent reading. :2thumbs:


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Good call Dead one:2thumbs:
I had to put a S&S on it last night for my 50 miles. I will get that done
I will change the oil tonight. I saved money but now its going out fast with upgrades I need to keep my bike cool and smooth
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