Let bike sit for two months now won't start


Well-Known Member
If the battery is good and the motor is turning over... You need to drain the gas out of the carb. The small amount of gas in the float bowl will go bad fast when a bike sits.
With the 10% Ethanol added to fuel now, it goes bad even faster. This EPA stuff they are doing with or fuel and motors and what not sucks. I have heard good things about this product being used....
Star brite - Catalog - Product Detail

http://www.starbrite.com/whatsnew/STAR BRITE ethanol p3072D2.pdf

Has anyone else on here tried this stuff??


Gas is no good when sat for a while, causes sediment...Top up with a bit of fresh and you will be good to go.


Well-Known Member
not tryn to step on any toes here but,i dont know how many times hes tried to start this bike but i would think the fuel in the bowl has already passed through,or maybe kunked up the carb and its not gettn through,i will agree fuel goes bad,again my bike has been sittn for some time do to a back injury,fired up last weekend no problem,my boat sat for over a year and a half ,that fuel is been in there longer than that,fired up,again just sayn and not tryn to start a debate:cheers: