Beware Of Dog
Hi All, I was riding around having a great day then.............................................. I pull over for a smoke and turn the bike off. I go to start it a lil later and when i turn the key NOTHING. So long story short a HD mechanic comes over and brings his meter. After we try everything he says he thinks its the module. It has a brand new battery in it. Everything is dead but he did things with his meter to show me that he thinks that is the problem. Does anyone know how much to fix. Does it have to come from Big Dog or can you get it at a harley dealership? How easy to swap out? ect ect........ so after a 6 hour stop with a ton of poeple helping and a big as fuck tow bill and a long night waiting for my wife to come get me ( She was at the Twins game that went into 15 FUCKING innings ) that took me till now to get home. Thanks to Old Hippy for helpling me on the phone lol Im going to bed im sure i wont be able to get one till monday now so my dream bike that i JUST bought 2 weeks ago sits in the garage over the 4th weekend lol Any help with mu 2004 Big Dog Pitbull would be great. Thanks Guy's