Need info about this bike.


My mothers friend passed away and left her some bikes this is one of them. I was wanting to know the year and specs also what the value you would be once we get it cleaned up and started. Shes had a couple people try to buy it as is and i feel like they offered way to low of a number. I just want to try and get her what its worth. Thanks
So besides my dog's and 68 z28 I dig vintage tube gear as in not just go get a battery, hook it up and turn on the key.....vintage gear that's sat long time is brought up to operating voltage using a variac which slowly allows the component to power up while being want a seasoned tech to evaluate it before applying power so additional damage doesn't occur......lastly the voltage regulator REQUIRES inspection to discern if it can catch fire and burn at koeo........


So I guess this was just a waste of our time
More likely than not the OP was just phishin' for info and prices and no real interest in the bike after all....why else go to the trouble of asking this forum what type when a Google search is easier......maybe hoping to huge gross someone here???. that said, there's no win for the owner as he's only showed his hand by revealing the bike......what goes round, comes round.....