Energy One


Active Member
Hey man, had a similar problem with mine and here is what I did...

Jets: 36/80

Wimmer 90 deg tapered cone intake mounted vertically
Zippers Thunderjet and modified by them, bored venturi, additional bowl vent, Yost Power Tube
.600 Cam
Doug Keim Bad Ass Pipe

I ride anywhere between sea level to 2000 ft above


Well-Known Member
I purchase a brand new 2008 Big dog mastiff special addition approximately six months ago. My carburetor cover was a S&S cover not the usual Big Dog cover. I called big dog and they told be that the cover was S&S because I purchased the motorcycle from California and the big dog cover does not fit California carburetor specifics. Any way they told me the big dog cover will not fit my carburetor. My question is does any one know if the BD cover will fit the S&S cover, and also if any one has one for sale thank you.

you might not want to sell that!! you have a pretty damm good air cleaner!!!!


Well-Known Member
not the carb!!! the air cleaner!!!! if you just want it to say "big dog" take it or send it to your local painter an have it put on!! the air cleaner you are using now is a very good cleaner!!