No turn signal or brake lights


The Pirate
Staff member
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Troop Supporter
My brake and turn wires run between the frame and seat too. Seems like a poor design. I'm replacing my rear fender and struts so I'll re-route those wires when I do that.
LDO channeled the inside of his struts with a dremel just like the newer models to hide his wiring. Check out his thread on this. Came out great.



LDO channeled the inside of his struts with a dremel just like the newer models to hide his wiring. Check out his thread on this. Came out great.

LOL! I bought my new struts from LDO. Can't wait to get them set up with my new fender. My old struts are straight and the new ones are curved. They'll look WAY MO BETTA!


Well, I took apart turn signals and checked grounds, tested bulbs. All okay. Pulled my gas tanks and checked wires for kinks or loose connections at the EHC. Everything looks fine. Strange thing I noticed when turning on the key, the left rear turn would flash 3 times and stop. I'm thinking some error code? Going to contact Thunder Heart today to find out. Friend of mine did avionics for Eclipse Aviation. He'll test my wires for resistance. We might get brave and take the Thunderheart out of its case and see if a circuit or component is burnt up and try to repair the controller. Could save a couple hundred. Draining the tank I found bits of liner coming out. Nice. Might explain why the bike quits now and then.


Okay, figured out why my left signal flashes 3 times. That's indicating the brake switch is activated. The hand control had a gap between the switch and brake lever. Adjusted that and now the flashing has stopped. This tells me the problem is on the right turn side since it was just the left signal flashing. Back at it....(ugh)


It was the Thunderheart! Sent mine in for testing and it tested okay. The only reason I did is that they'll discount a new one if they test your old one. They sent the new one for $225 (discount) and sent the old one back. I put the new one in and no problems since. I think theres a crack in one of the circuits that was causing an intermittent problem. It would work fine and then not. Thunderheart's controller is very reliable and their service is first rate! Someone on this site (Mike somebody) is making a harness to adapt this controller to the newer dogs which seems like a good idea. Hope this helps.