OK, let me try to redeem myself here. I did a very bad job of trying to explain the tire situation. I was mixing car and truck tires with motorcycle tires. They are not the same because of obvious reasons. 4 versus 2, really 4 versus 1. I will try to keep just on a motorcyle tire. First off, if you get a small nail or object in the sidewall. Stop and do not plug it, get someone to come and get you. The tire is history. Now if you get a small nail or object in the tread area. You can plug it. The plug will hold if properly installed. I would not jump on the interstate and do 100 miles an hour. The tire will get you home and around town. At first chance I would replace it. I would not patch it, its off the bike, the tire has to be broken down anyway. Just replace the tire. This is not to say the tire will not perform with a patch.
Fact: When a object pierces a tire it changes the dynamics of the tire. The tire will no longer perform as the manufacturer has guaranteed. This does not mean the tire will no longer perform.
Advice: Do not do drugs, Do not have unprotected sex with strangers, Do not go faster than the speed rating of the tire (its not guaranteed to fail) Do not drink and drive........ and I would replace the tire.
I have been reading these threads for 6 months and finally "FINALLY" something I know a little about comes up. Thought I could contribute to the site and I failed miserabley. I am no GasMan when it comes to explaining things so everyone will understand. I have decided to resign myself to just reading the threads and Welcoming new members.......Telling people there pics of the bike "looks great" ..........and "Thanks for the info, thats a great idea".........and if your close "Sure I"ll go riding too". Hope I have redeemed myself a little and yes I wish the weather would get better so I can stop reading and start riding.