Plug VS Patching?


Active Member
I think people need to be a little more careful giving advice around here. If your plug blows out going 90 down the freeway that tire goes flat in a few seconds and could be a real disaster. I had a rear tire blow out on me that was not plugged and it was no fun. Bottom line is it's your life you decide whos right. Plugs are meant to get you from point A to point B. They also work well on ATV tires and such where it's not as big a deal. I have patched my ATV tires many times but they don't see 100 mile an hour either.

couldn't agree more vegas! if you can afford a $30,000 dollar bike you can surely afford a $300 dollar tire.

bottom line is, a patch is better than a plug, but only if it's for your truck.

can you patch or plug a bike tire? sure. but my life is worth more than $300 bucks. that's my .02


Well-Known Member
I am not giving advice, I am stating facts. He asked what we thought was best. Whats best is a new tire. If you do not buy a new tire these are your options. If you think a brand new tire will not blow out at a speed greater that what it is rated for you are wrong. I have been biulding tires for almost 30 years now. I know a little about them. Like I said just the facts.
QUOTE=Mickeetwo;42312]The best fix is a patch from the inside but a plug will work also. The only thing you can't patch or plug is the sidewall of a tire

Hey I am just giving sound advice that might save someones life. Your previous post said a plug would be alright. You need to remember this is not a car where you have three other tires. One tire goes flat that quickly it can be deadly. Say what you want but I tend to take it pretty damn serious. By the way I have an auto degree, was Master ASE certified, real world experience in all aspects from Hvac, rebuilding transmissions, engines, drivability, brakes, alignment, electrical, I have even mounted and fixed a few hundred tires in my day. I don't want to get in a pissing match but I am not shooting from the hip here.


Well-Known Member
couldn't agree more vegas! if you can afford a $30,000 dollar bike you can surely afford a $300 dollar tire.

bottom line is, a patch is better than a plug, but only if it's for your truck.

can you patch or plug a bike tire? sure. but my life is worth more than $300 bucks. that's my .02
I agree.......


Well-Known Member
Never ever ever ever plug or patch a sidewall on any tire. Never ever plug a steal belted tire ever, patch only.
And most of all Never Ever destroy your old tire buy doing a burn out. :eek:
Unless you videotape it for our enjoyment!!!!!
Gas rule!:roll: :roll: :whoop: :roll: :roll:

But This was Outstanding.......:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


i see the cabin fever is starting to take over up north!!!
these are only options that were asked for, the end user gets to choose the best way thay want to go!:job: this im going for a ride!:loony:
OK, let me try to redeem myself here. I did a very bad job of trying to explain the tire situation. I was mixing car and truck tires with motorcycle tires. They are not the same because of obvious reasons. 4 versus 2, really 4 versus 1. I will try to keep just on a motorcyle tire. First off, if you get a small nail or object in the sidewall. Stop and do not plug it, get someone to come and get you. The tire is history. Now if you get a small nail or object in the tread area. You can plug it. The plug will hold if properly installed. I would not jump on the interstate and do 100 miles an hour. The tire will get you home and around town. At first chance I would replace it. I would not patch it, its off the bike, the tire has to be broken down anyway. Just replace the tire. This is not to say the tire will not perform with a patch.

Fact: When a object pierces a tire it changes the dynamics of the tire. The tire will no longer perform as the manufacturer has guaranteed. This does not mean the tire will no longer perform.

Advice: Do not do drugs, Do not have unprotected sex with strangers, Do not go faster than the speed rating of the tire (its not guaranteed to fail) Do not drink and drive........ and I would replace the tire.

I have been reading these threads for 6 months and finally "FINALLY" something I know a little about comes up. Thought I could contribute to the site and I failed miserabley. I am no GasMan when it comes to explaining things so everyone will understand. I have decided to resign myself to just reading the threads and Welcoming new members.......Telling people there pics of the bike "looks great" ..........and "Thanks for the info, thats a great idea".........and if your close "Sure I"ll go riding too". Hope I have redeemed myself a little and yes I wish the weather would get better so I can stop reading and start riding.
By the way I have an auto degree, was Master ASE certified, real world experience in all aspects from Hvac, rebuilding transmissions, engines, drivability, brakes, alignment, electrical, I have even mounted and fixed a few hundred tires in my day.

I know I promised I wouldn't, but I can't help myself. I also have a few certificates, Hats, Shirts, and I have had real world experiences. You may have fixed and mounted a few hundred........I have built thousands :D :D :D I can post some pics if you would like


it is always better to play it safe if you don,t know about tires,
i think that should cover it!

Mickeetwo we need to go for a ride!!!:whoop: :2thumbs:


Well-Known Member
No hard feelings caught me in a mood and I just wanted to make sure everyone understood the possibilities.:cheers:


Can't we all get along :D

damn I just started this thread to see if I could ride with a plugged tire, and if it would be better to patch it, seems most would change it, so everytime you get a nail, glass, sharp object in your tire you'd buy a new tire, even if you rolled out the tire shop with a spankin new tire catch a nail you'd turn back and buy a new tire? people here got alot a cabbage :)

I got a second hand dog and out of warranty and making payments so I gotta make do with a plug:rant:

Thanks for the replies guys:2thumbs:

Gas Man

Cool isn't cheap
Calendar Participant
Man we just busy razzin each other...

I already said... i would plug it and leave it. If it was the front... maybe not so much.


i would plug it and leave it. If it was the front... maybe not so much.

Thanks Gas, just looking for some confirmation.

Like I stated I don't do 100mph runs and twisties :up: still a newbie!!!