Racing fuel


Active Member
Exactly what P8RIOT said. High octane does NOT increase HP or TQ. It's used to control detonation / knock on engines running 11.0 : 1 or higher compression. Any engine running 10.0 : 1 or less compression will get the same performance from premium 93 as they would running 110 or C16 fuel.

I believe our 117 engines are 9.6:1.


the higher the octane the less power it makes in the engine [ stock]
i run 93 in the sumer in florida, & 87 in winter,[don,t get the pinging in winter riding]
only reason lead was put in the old engines was to help damped the hamering of the valves on the valve seats, with new metals you don,t need it,
plus not good for you when working on bike or tech. at dealer,
if bd finds it "no warr" :job: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Anyone run Lucas...I beleve in it ...It cushins the compression ring and lubes the whole fuel system ...helps with complete combustion . Fact I picked up two mpg on a run to murtle beach using it compared to not In my softtail! I buy it by the gal at truck stops and run it in every thing I own. Good stuff !!!


How 'bout a follow up blend,, of that wonderful smell of 2-stroke racing fuel,, with the oil added!!!! mmmmmmmm.....
Could be your 2nd Cologne for Men,,, call it "GET HER DONE",, 2-Stroke High Octane Race Cologne for Me (done in half the time) brought to you by the makers of the orginal "High Octane Race Cologne for Men" :2thumbs:

The white in unleaded fuel means a lean condition, but when running a leaded fuel it will lend itself to add a white residue to the plugs even when on the rich side and also the inside of your exhaust with turn white also from the lead.
I raced ATV's and dirtbikes for many years myself and running extra octane in something that is lower compression is $$$ out the tailpipe. The smell is awesome and I'd pay an extra buck a gallon just for the smell!

I still need to get going on the design of the "High Octane Race Cologne for Men" !!:2thumbs: I think it would sell like wildfire! Smell like burnt race fuel.