Rebuild Big Dog Mastiff 2006

Energy One
Hi from Portugal, me and my friend we are rebuilding a Mastiff from 2006 for a friend and this is the status report! The bike was mine but my friend Saw the bike and wanted a motorcycle who represented him and is work we made a trade.

First time i Saw the Monster, it had some damages and need TLC.


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Second step, the disassemble!


Another day... Almost there... But we encounter some troubles the front brake master cylinder we can't build any pressure, we already bleeded the circuit and Nothing any ideas?


Se need some Help with the front brake master cylinder we tried to bleed we changed the o-ring but and Nothing when we inject oil the system build pressure in the system, but if you start pumping the pressure GOES away ...

Another thing if someone can explain to me, there are two holes, the red circle identifies the smallest, that is a hole or not? And if it is a hole does it have the same funtion as the HD?
Or is just something from manufacturing?

i tried to plug all the hoje and blow a didn't Sense any wind...

I hoje you can Help me understand!

Neste regard!


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Well-Known Member
Sometimes it takes a while to get all the air out. I think I had to bleed mine about 6 times after I rebuild it. With the cover off and full of fluid. Work the lever and look for air bubbles. Keep doing that until no more bubbles. Then bleed again.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member
I had the same problem when I did my front brakes. I seem to recall it took quite a while. Actually I may have ended up pushing the fluid to the master cylinder from the bleeder to finally get it to work.

Mr. Wright

Knows some things
The front brakes will actually bleed themselves. Take the cap off make sure you have plenty of fluid in there, and lightly pull the handle back and forth about an inch. You'll see the air bubble up out of the master cylinder
Today was the final day! She is readyyy! The friend we build this bike is in the midle of US the happy face of happiness! We did some subtle changes and She is beautiful and sounds evil !!!

Greetings from Portugal!IMG-20220723-WA0008.jpg


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