Sissy bar hole question

Energy One


Active Member
it will pry be a couple weeks before we can get something made due to my vacation in flordia, but look for um by the end of the month guys.


Pro, what the hell is the animal in your Avatar doing? No matter how long I look at it, or put on my glasses, I still cant figure out what that deer or elk or dog with antlers is doing. It kinda looks like he's caught in his own antlers, but its too small for me to see.
lol...that's from a post I put up earlier. A guy I know (I'm in the outdoor clothing business) took that pic. Anyway, that Elk is scratching his nuts with his antlers...


Active Member
I took my K-9 back to the dealership today to get the carb spiffied up a little, and they did have some plugs for the sissy bar struts. They look perfect. they were only 7 bucks a piece. The only thing I'm wondering about, and I didnt ask them, but I'm concerned about water getting in through the bottom and rusting the threads. I'll look at them closer. Maybe they did put a plug on the underside, but I didnt feel anything. The topside looks perfect.


Active Member
now that I think about it, there are no threads in the hole of the struts. the threads are on the sissy bar itself, so there would be no need for bottom plugs. at least I think