Switching from Regular Lights to LED's

Energy One


Active Member
I found out that the Chris lights are 5/16 with a fine thread. On the bike side it is also 5/16 but with a coarse thread.

The studs they sell fit the lights with the fine thread on one side and on the other side it is 3/8 with a coarse thread. So it looks like I will have to make the bike side larger so the stud will fit.

Or find a 5/16 stud with coarse threads and tap the light housing so it has coarse threads or use a heilcoil .

Also found larger fork clamps I could use. I might go that way but damn they are expensive.

Update: I just found out they make studs with 5/16 fine thread on one side and coarse on the other. That should fix my whole problem at least for the front lights.
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