Vintage Big Dogs

Energy One

D.A. Wolfe

New Member
2000 Big Dog Pro Sport 18 Custom Chopper. 15k miles, 10" over-length forks, 107" S&S Super Stock, S&S 600 camshaft, S&S high flow air cleaner, 2 to 1 performance exhaust, 5 speed (boo hiss) transmission. Warning - earplugs required. Great 1/4 mile track performance. My best time on it is 12.7 seconds and about 103 mph. Runs like a scalded Dog... A 6th gear and it would be better for touring and riding to chopper shows. Not sure what diff is between Pro Sport and Pro Sport 18, but I know the chopper version is worth more than the standard. Haven't seen another Pro Sport extended as of yet.2000 Big Dog Pro Sport 18 Chopper-L.jpg2000 Big Dog Pro Sport 18 Chopper-R.jpg