Weird noise

Energy One

BadDawg Bill

Well-Known Member
A "little noise"? How in the hell can ya tell when your bike backfires every 5 seconds? When we rode to Daytona for the river Grill meetup in October I never had to look in my mirrors to see where he was. The backfiring let me know...


Well-Known Member
So the heads, cylinders and pistons are off... all look good to my eye, except rear intake valve. No idea what started the chain reaction, obviously breathing oil to carb made the carbon built excessive, but what started it is still a mystery, we'll see if the culprit can be found. How the pressure was still 190 is a mystery to me.


Well-Known Member
Checked the jets, since Bill is complaining about my backfire, and there was a touch of white residue on exhaust valve . 74 and 40, didn't expect those create lean mixture


Well-Known Member
Teach me, what should that big inter jet do?
I have never touched jets, have had no reason.!! Great throttle response, no flat spots... bit much backfire, that has made me think lean... plugs look good...
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