while driving some sound came and engine died

Energy One


New Member
There must be more to the story. What had you done or was doing that you normally don’t do when you hear a noise. What kind of noise. How long had you rode prior to this. What modifications have you done and had you done anything just prior to this. Just normal riding and nothing done different wouldn’t cause severe engine failure. Something seems off here.
it was a normal day i take the bike for a ride i started it was fine start right away i rode for 3 miles i was in the 3rd gear little metal noise came and engine died i pull the bike a side of the road. try to started but starter wont turn the engine, i try to push a bit and put first gear wheel didnt move. this bike is custom conversion from bigdog pitbull.


Well-Known Member
What is that peppered black crap on the chain, clutch outer, pressure plate? Did the fiber weld to the steel plates? If not there, might as well clean the debris, check the plates. While apart, spin the crank nut to see if the clutch outer turns. Spin the main shaft that the clutch center bolts up to.

I'd pull the plugs, see if the plugs look normal or are hammered by the valve letting go and eat the piston dome, peppering the spark plugs.

It's either the top end or bottom end, if clutch parts show good.

john sachs

Well-Known Member
I remove the spark plug and tip of the spark plug is gone, piston touch it I guess. Roughly how much this thing can cost do you guys know?
No crystal ball to look at price wise, until you get it ALL apart, and see ALL the damage. Doesn't look like it's gonna be an inexpensive repair. Also, before going at it "willy nilly", you may want to take step by step pictures, to get an idea of what else is damaged, and what possibly caused it.


Well Known Member
Supporting Member
I remove the spark plug and tip of the spark plug is gone, piston touch it I guess. Roughly how much this thing can cost do you guys know?
Oh damn. That’s definitely not good. Looks like the rear cylinder. Pull the rocker cover and see what’s broken up top. My guess you dropped a valve. Possibly broken valve spring…
Keep us posted

john sachs

Well-Known Member
Good Engines. Reliable as well. I did a lot of testing on the 127" engine, when Ken Francis was in charge of the Ultima Engine Program, at MidWest M C Sales. I've won every "Dyno Shootout" I entered with it:cool:. My customers have always been happy as well.


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