Yes the SWITCHes in the handle bar are momentary.
The microcontroller senses the grounding of a pin and sets a state in the chip.
Have you tried just disconnecting power to the ehc when this happens?
I have the RIP Gen II kit. So the factory EHC is gone.
I have disconnected everything at times. Not sure I understand your question.
I unplugged the power plug on the ignition module and ran power directly from the battery in order to bi pass.
Worst part is the intermittent aspect. If it would just break for good. It would be easy to identify.
As before .. I have tried a different coil and wires - a new CPS - eliminated the PCB by disconnecting it and triggering the grounds to function - then bypassed the other circuits to eliminate the plugs connections and the wiring harness.
Always have the red light on the ignition module when powered up... The yellow and blue flashing comes and goes which equals spark is in and out.
I did order a new ignition module because that's about all that is left to try.