I have been running synthetic oil in my K9 since 2005; I have never had a problem in the engine, primary or transmission. I use 20W50 engine, primary and transmission synthetic lubricant in all three. No shifting issues, no oil light, no leaks. Riding in the heat, and in the cold. Unless someone who is an expert in the field of oils can show no shit proof of it, synthetic vs. conventional, I am not buying the statement that if one puts synthetic in their engine, the problems worsen. If it can be proven, fine, if it cannot, stop with the opinions. Engines don't decide just to start running bad. 20W50 is 20W50. The viscosity is what it is. As a matter of fact, in all of the things I have read regarding the two, synthetic is better. Synthetic oils can withstand the extremes that engines put oil through far longer than conventional. They flow better under most if not all conditions, and last much longer.