Why the Adjure Blue Dot lamp is a Piece of Crap

Energy One


Well-Known Member
Calendar Participant
I got one on my chop with no problems.... hmmm
Hey GM,

Would you please take a real close look at the inside surfaces on your lamp? Is there any sign of fogging or discoloration at all??



Well-Known Member
Calendar Participant
I will... as soon as I get the bike back... give me another week. sorry.
No big rush, GM - I was thinking I might try one with the black dot, if yours is completely clear - it's a little hard to believe it would be the glass bead, though, if in fact it is glass. On the other hand, that one chacha found looks pretty nice, too.

Gas Man

Cool isn't cheap
Calendar Participant
I'm just grasping at straws trying to figure out the problem. I will examine mine very closely when I get the bike back. Probably early next week.


Active Member
Adjure lamps and buckets are crap!

I got one about a year ago as I thought that their non-ring mounting system would be easier to work with than the typical ring type ones. For those who don't understand this, a typical headlight such as the Headwinds ones have a large ring that screws into the front to hold the lamp in. Problem is, these can be tricky to get off as there's nothing to grab on to. The Adjure bucket has some fancy system that relies on a plastic tube being inserted that goes all around the inside of the ring, riding in a groove in both the ring and the bucket. The result is SUPPOSE to yield a much easier time removing the ring as one just has to pull out the plastic tube thing.

The thing is, with the hooded type of bucket that I got, one would install the lamp and the spring thingy, then insert the chrome ring, then insert the plastic tube to hold it all together and be done. Then about 20 miles down the road the whole thing would come apart, spewing your lamp and all the other loose guts of the thing onto the road!!!

When I spoke with the people at Adjure after this happened to me, he said it was tricky to be sure the plastic tube is in correctly in the hooded type of buckets as it can have the appearance of being installed correctly, even though it isn't. After they sent me a new lamp and such, AT MY EXPENSE, I was VERY careful in assembling the headlight, making sure that it was all together correctly. I even tried to pull the ring off once installed to ensure it was on right.

But, sure enough, a few days later during a ride, IT ALL LETS LOOSE! The lamp managed to stay on due to the wires, but I needed to scramble down the road and pick up the other pieces. I then assembled it without the damn spring thing (it's a "wave" ring), and so far I've been OK. However, without the spring, the lamp vibrates around in the bucket. With it though makes it almost impossible to assemble correctly.

On top of this BS, the lamp has fogged up to the point of being useless!


Buy the Headwinds type of headlight, put some anti-seize on the chrome ring when you screw it on so as to make removal of it in the future easier, and be done with it. There should be a set screw on the bottom that prevents the thing from shaking loose and falling off.


Low Down Chop Shop
Been in the Street Rod Scene for years and have watched for a Tri Bar 7" lens for a long time and have not bought one yet. Those Adjure lights are junk like all the others. If you want a good one I have found in my research that you have to buy one with a glass blue dot or a glass black dot in it or that fogging will happen over time. You can't put a piece of colored plastic directly into a bulb that is buning at several hundred degrees. These street rod guys put the "good" ones in thier $50,000+ street rods and never have a problem.

As for the PIAA bulb, they are not junk, they actually are the best bulb you can buy on the market without spending the money for a true HID conversion. I have sold thousands of different brands of super white, hyper white, cool blue, you name it I sold them through my shop, and nothing compared to the PIAA bulbs in life expectancy and color/brightness for the money and they have a lifetime warranty.

Just my .02 cents


Well-Known Member
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Just for clarification - me and Gas Man used the Big Dog bucket - we did not buy the Adjure one, so there has been no problem with it coming apart.

BDMRidgeback, have you ever found a glass blue dot one that will fit our bike? I sorta liked the way it matched my RW&B paint scheme.


Low Down Chop Shop
Just do a search for 5 3/4" tri bar blue dot. I'll do some looking. I have catalogs with them from the street rod guys, just need to find them so I can get ya a web address.

Call Headwinds, they have them, call and ask how theirs hold up and warranty. Here is a Linkie:
Headwinds: 5 3/4" Lamps

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Chaff Your EHC!!
Calendar Participant

stock bucket for BDM is 5 and 3/4".

A 7" lamp would look freakishly large and require a new bucket IMO.


Low Down Chop Shop
That's really what I ment. :) If I would have been in the garage I would have noticed.

It looked like 7" !!!

I fixed my Linkie up above so it will take you to the correct lights.
The more modern Street Rods are using the 5 3/4" and the old skool guys use the 7".

Thanks for catchin' it for me.