Adjure lamps and buckets are crap!
I got one about a year ago as I thought that their non-ring mounting system would be easier to work with than the typical ring type ones. For those who don't understand this, a typical headlight such as the Headwinds ones have a large ring that screws into the front to hold the lamp in. Problem is, these can be tricky to get off as there's nothing to grab on to. The Adjure bucket has some fancy system that relies on a plastic tube being inserted that goes all around the inside of the ring, riding in a groove in both the ring and the bucket. The result is SUPPOSE to yield a much easier time removing the ring as one just has to pull out the plastic tube thing.
The thing is, with the hooded type of bucket that I got, one would install the lamp and the spring thingy, then insert the chrome ring, then insert the plastic tube to hold it all together and be done. Then about 20 miles down the road the whole thing would come apart, spewing your lamp and all the other loose guts of the thing onto the road!!!
When I spoke with the people at Adjure after this happened to me, he said it was tricky to be sure the plastic tube is in correctly in the hooded type of buckets as it can have the appearance of being installed correctly, even though it isn't. After they sent me a new lamp and such, AT MY EXPENSE, I was VERY careful in assembling the headlight, making sure that it was all together correctly. I even tried to pull the ring off once installed to ensure it was on right.
But, sure enough, a few days later during a ride, IT ALL LETS LOOSE! The lamp managed to stay on due to the wires, but I needed to scramble down the road and pick up the other pieces. I then assembled it without the damn spring thing (it's a "wave" ring), and so far I've been OK. However, without the spring, the lamp vibrates around in the bucket. With it though makes it almost impossible to assemble correctly.
On top of this BS, the lamp has fogged up to the point of being useless!
Buy the Headwinds type of headlight, put some anti-seize on the chrome ring when you screw it on so as to make removal of it in the future easier, and be done with it. There should be a set screw on the bottom that prevents the thing from shaking loose and falling off.