No turn signal or brake lights

John Loy

Husky is a BigDog
Runing lights work, However turn signal and brake lights do not. I have check bulbs:bang: :bang: and replaced the bulds..Please what else can I do??



I wish I had more money.
I would check under you fender to see if the tire may have rubbed you wires first. Hopefully that is the deal I just had to replace an ehc because of this.


Chaff Your EHC!!
Calendar Participant
Given that it's up the line since both turn signals are down and the brake light as well, it doesn't sound like a "tyre rubbing a wire " kinda problem...
I don't think that any of the '01s had the EHC, but I could be wrong here.
Signals and Brake lights are both operated on the high side of the tail lights, Bulbs or LEDs. There is a failure that is common to the operation of both circuits.
Wiring, Inside of one of the tail lights, Hand Controls, etc. You'll just need to patiently go through checking everything in the circuit out from one end to the other. Start from the tail lights and work your way towards the switches.

Sorry I can be of more help here!

dead :cheers:


We build what you Dream!
Sounds like an EHC issue. (EHC W/R SGNLS-BRK LITES-REV D/control box)



I don't think it's the EHC. The 01's have a Hart and it's pretty simple and reliable. I'm thinking a bad ground or flasher unit possibly but I don't have a schematic for this bike and Big Dog only goes back to '03 on their downloadable owner manuals.
I PMed Dream, I didn't think that the '01s had an EHC, but a Thunderheart controller. I could be wrong, but I was under the impression that BDM started using the EHC that they had built in '03. Everything before that was Thenderheart.

But who am I too know anything. :loony::crazy:....:lol:

That was my understanding of what was used and produced.

Hey Night Train...
What is the difference, electronics wise, between this Thunder-Heart chassis controller compared to the Thunder-Heart units in 2003 and older Big Dog Bikes from the factory?
2002 and older is the Thunder heart module, direct replace. 2003 change the headlight and starter circuit around and a couple other minor differences that I am sure could be wired around.

Thanks Dream! :2thumbs:

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Member Service PDFs/EI4260.pdf

IF this is what you need, I have a brand new one and will make you a deal. they are $250 from thunderheart. PM me if interested. Looks like if you go to BD you will get their newer model and have to make conversions. Maybe the thunderheart one is plugnplay??? I'm not sure about the BD, but it is used on the AIH bikes.


Active Member
I had the same problem, mine turned out to be that when the seat was taken off and put back on, the wires had been pinched underneath the seat. There are 3 wires there, black gnd, brown-turn, red-running I would chase the wire to the connector, then to the EHC. Keep in mind I have a 08 pibull ,so I am not sure if you have the same setup. Goodluck!


Well-Known Member
Calendar Participant
Troop Supporter
I have been trying to get the wire diagram from big dog but no luck. Hate having sick dogs


Good work Dream! Thanks for posting the schematics. there really any difference? I just call it an EHC or POS as the case may be! @ Zipsman, My brake and turn wires run between the frame and seat too. Seems like a poor design. I'm replacing my rear fender and struts so I'll re-route those wires when I do that. I'll start by checking for a loose ground or a loose connection at the POS, I mean EHC/controller. Dakota just sent me the schematic for 2000 & 2002. You rock! Thanks for all the help guys. Now if I can just wrap my brain around this......


This is what my Thunder Heart controller looks like. According to their literature, it will turn off your turn signals, so I'm assuming there's a flasher unit in-line somewhere.