Couple weeks ago the positive cable for my wire plus modules snapped off the battery and smoked out one of the modules. So I called Don at wire plus and explained to him what happened. He was cool about it and said that that really shouldn't have happened but said he has seen a few failures like this on some of the earlier versions like mine so he sent me a new one under warranty. I hook up the new one and everything works except for the tach. I might add when this cable snapped the bike backfired and died. So even though tachs work on pulses I knew that I could still check voltage on the wire coming from the ignition. Hooked up my meter and I am getting voltage from the ignition and when I rev it up the voltage drops like I would expect. So I will have to rule out the wire and the crane ignition itself. It looks as though the signal wire goes into the other module before it heads up to the tach itself. Do you think there is a chance that I smoked the tach board itself ? I also noticed that the high beam indicator is out as well on the tach board but I'm sure this has got something to do with the new style wire plus harness. The new one does not default to high beam like the old one did. This tach board is only about 3 months old, don't know if I'll spend another $90 bucks on another one. Can you guys tell me if when you turn your key on and hit the run button does the first tach light come on at all before you start the bike?
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