2007 K-9 just installed new chrome XXX carb,Beautiful piece of work,Thanks Bob Maltz.
When you go full throttle the return cable pops off inside the throttle grip.I have taken this apart 6 times reset cables with slight freeplay
per Big Dog manual,if I dont hit full throttle the cable will stay in place.I have adjusted them evenly and then alittle tighter no results.I did not have this problem before carb change.
If anybody has had this problem or has some advice please post.
Happy Turkey Day All fellow BIG DOG people.
When you go full throttle the return cable pops off inside the throttle grip.I have taken this apart 6 times reset cables with slight freeplay
per Big Dog manual,if I dont hit full throttle the cable will stay in place.I have adjusted them evenly and then alittle tighter no results.I did not have this problem before carb change.
If anybody has had this problem or has some advice please post.
Happy Turkey Day All fellow BIG DOG people.