Well, bought the ASM 5012 and now looking for the crank sensor for the bike... It recommends the 32707-01... Completely different than what is on the bike...
As I've already mentioned several times you don't have a crank sensor! I'm not sure the block on your engine would even accept one or that you have the right flywheel for it to work...
You can, however, do a little checking to see if your CAM sensor is good. I've posted this numerous times but here it is again:
1. Disconnect the cam sensor from the ignition module.
2. Take out your trusty multimeter and set it to the RX1 scale.
3. Now while touching the sensor backing plate with the negative meter lead touch the positive meter lead on each of the three wires of the sensor connector (red, black, & green). If you get continuity from the backing plate to any of them the sensor is bad.
If it passes the first test...
1. With your meter still at the same settings touch the positive meter lead to the green wire and the negative meter lead to the black wire. If you get an "open" it's good. (Any resistance is "bad)
2. Then take the positive meter lead and touch the black sensor wire while touching the negative meter lead to the green wire. In this case an "open" is bad. A reading somewhere around 300 - 750 Kohms is what you're looking for.
So what values did you get in each step?