problem after problem

god wish I could troubleshoot this thing... maybe just shoot the bike!! thought there was a starter problem with the bike due to a click sound coming from the bike. removed the starter took it to the shop for repair they cleaned up the starter and said it was good. put it back in the bike and it fired up better than ever.. started to ride home now the speedometer needle is stuck it lights up the mileage is displayed just does not show the MPH. the mechanic keeps telling me to get rid of the ech. but I want to make sure before I decide to buy a wire plus that it is the ECH. I have had some real problems with the bike lately. I have done alot of reading on here and here is the latest round.
1. riding and the bike just shuts off ??? wait a few minutes cranks up.. could this be due to the battery wires being over tight on the starter??? (eliminated tank venting issue my bike does not have the CA emission...)
2. bike just clicks sound like a starter issue may be due to the battery wires connected to the starter... ( I checked my new battery with 13.2 volts_
I have had too many issues to list not sure what else to do.. I really like working on the bike but would rather ride it and feel confident that its not going to die on me... Sorry for rambling on but I am really frustrated tomorrow I am going to trace all the wires out again... I found some loose wiring under the tank that go to the light assembly on the control panel.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if a dirty speed sensor would have a 0 display or no display honestly; someone on here probably does.
Volts & Amp (CA/CCA)are different on battery of course, how old is it and what is it rated at? Tested under load? (iow, do you have a good solid battery)
Loose wiring; sounds like your checking on that still...Never heard of too tight on connectors; too tight to me = you broke the bolt off...:D
I'm not the EHC guru on here; Find some of Night Trains posts/tips and info...

Best of luck to you; don't shoot it, if nothing else its good garage art and there's plenty out there that is into that sort of thing.


Take your mechanics advice..........the symptoms of just dying while riding are the same I had when EHC went up.Last summer i had starter,voltage regulator,ignition switch,speedometer,clutch hub nut,shifting forks and EHC go different intervals during the summer...these are common issues to have happen with these bikes,once replaced i havent had issues this summer...once ...if.....I do have problems again ,I surely will do the Wire Plus


New Member
I recently had a problem with my bike with it killing while riding. It turned out to be my magnetic pickup. The bike would just die and would start back up after about five minutes. It might kill after 10 miles, sometimes it might go 50.
Anyway, $65 later, it runs great and has been reliable.


2005 Pitbull

It sounds like to me that you have multiple issues plaguing your dog, "NOT" related to the EHCs operations.
Start with the starter issue and work through one issue at a time. :2thumbs:
Just because the guy at the starter/altinator rebuild shop connects your starter to a "CAR" battery and it works fine, doesn't mean that "EVERYTHING" with it is OK. :nono:
1) Take the Battery, weather New or Not, and have it load tested.
2) Check "ALL" of the battery connections, at the battery and on the bike, for clean and a good connection.
3) Pull the starter "yourself" and check and clean the "contact plate" in the solenoid.
4) Open up the starter motor housing and clean out all of the carbon dust!

Good Luck! :2thumbs:

dead :cheers:
I hate doing this, but I have to agree with Dead, especially on #1. If you do a search on "battery", you'll be 6 months reading every thread that has battery listed. Point being, that batteries are the root of all evil and the number one cause of issues with these Dogs. The thing about it, a shitty battery seems to have a different affect on different bikes. Many will give normal readings if not under a load. That's where many folks start throwing money at other places and never have the battery load tested. The thing about it, load testing is free at just about any car parts place. :cheers:


2005 Pitbull

We all know how bad that must have hurt! :bang: :bang: :bang:

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Sounds like Good Advice there Brad! :2thumbs:

dead :D :cheers:.....:lol: :lol: :lol:
If you only I know what a coyote feels like when he chews his leg off after getting it caught in a trap. :bang::bang::bang:

Damn, that was painful! :spank::spank::spank:



Thats an easy one.

GET RID OF THE ^%#$%*& "EHC" !:angry:

All of your troubles will be GONE ! Stop trying to avoid it. Just do what I did and never look back. My 04 Ridgeback did all the things that your experiencing now.

After the "Wire-Plus" install its a pleasure to ride again.:2thumbs:

DO IT, and stop complaining about everything else on the bike. I Promise you will love it.

Ride Safe
Well the bike died on me today going to work had to push it home. I am ordering the wire plus. Where do we get these? 04 pitbull
Not sure why the battery would cause the bike to die while riding. it just died slowly like someone pulled the power plug.


Well-Known Member
Glad you have a plan; Jake get ready for an order...:up:

Can I have your spontaneously self healing EHC - just curious? I'd be interested to see if Night Train would mind having a look see?


Well-Known Member
The '04 is ALOT different than the one your running in your '07.

Plus Mike will tell you that those were the first of the EHCs to be built.

dead :cheers:
Yep, I know (i read a lot too); I'm sure I'd probably do the same thing. Hell I been thinking of buying a wire kit to carry as a spare myself, cause I can if nothing else. Still, am curious if we can figure if or how best to truly help someone get to the bottom of it or test the issue further. Otherwise, why ask for help - could make a sticky that says Step 1 eliminate EHC. Step 2 - see step one right.


2005 Pitbull
Well, one thing's for sure. Dead don't know shit about an EHC except to tell you it's not working right or maybe you should replace it. :job: You would think with all the free time on his hands he would figure out how an EHC worked and become an asset to the forum. :loony:But hell to the NO! He just sits around and gives Eric shit, Rubwhore shit and me shit. He read some book........legtrizity for dummies.....and tries virtually re-wire bikes from home.

Is it Friday yet?



Well-Known Member

Ya; I don't give a shit the guys gonna be down for a week or whatever and spend some money for something he may or may not need right. My bike runs fine....:D

I still ain't buying the whole root of all evil is this mysterious EHC, but whatever... Happy Friday....:cheers: