They are leather whips that attach to the clutch lever or handle bars that have a quick release on one end that is metal.
They used to be woven in club colors and were used to hit car doors,windows,etc with the metal end if a car/truck would come into your lane while riding,cut you off etc.
I dont like the idea of being close enough to a car/truck to use it if they where trying to mow me over:down: I would rather have distance in my favor.
In Virginia that call that brandishing a weapon. Ask me how I know.
Whipping out the old trusty 1911 works in a hurry
+1 If I saw you with these I would instantly think you were a fucktard. If you broke my windshield because you didn't like the way I was driving, I would either shoot a hole in your gas tank or your tire.I 've heard them called "cager whips" and every person I have seen with one looks like a big dumb asshole or bully type. As if pulling out your little whip is gonna prove something. On two wheels you stand to loose every time you tangle with a car or truck. Stupid idea, stupid product, for stupid people in my opinion.:down: