Get back whip


New Member
Getback whips are a self defense device for riders if they get into a dangerous situation, since they can be used as a weapon. By pulling downward on the quick release clasp, they are quickly removed from the handlebar. They can be bought here in an assortment of colors even if you do not belong to a motorcycle club.
Also, The Get Back Whips are typically made of braided leather and a snap on the end and vary in length from 24″ t0 48″.
Anyone here ride with one? Is it useful or more of a novelty item? I know there have been times I wish I had something handy...
Let me know your experience and times you've actually used it
Way back when 70s ….these weee used to keep critters at arms length both 2 and 4 legged. Today they are mostly considered a decoration. A side benefit is that they increase your visibility as they flap around. Now as for those of you that use penny’s and stones or spark plug ceramics… I use to carry a half brick in my lap until pulled over in GA by a state trooper who asked me what it was for I told him he knew what it was for and he directed me to throw it in the ditch and to wait there. He went to his car and into his trunk. Came back told me to hold out my hand and he dropped 10 glass eye marbles in it and said use these they aren’t as obvious and will shatter windshields at speed. Also, chances are they would never be discovered at the scene if one occurred. So to this day since 1973 I have carried this item in my vest pocket. I have ridden chopper style bikes since the 70’s. Was given a stay back while riding in Italy in early 80’s and carry it to this day.
+1 If I saw you with these I would instantly think you were a fucktard. If you broke my windshield because you didn't like the way I was driving, I would either shoot a hole in your gas tank or your tire.
Perhaps you are missing the point of it’s considered a decoration these days as clubs are mostly tame and law abiding. I use one and it is for decoration today as well as another tool to increase my visibility. What you need to remember is that many of us carry and are more likely to use that than a decoration. Mine was given to me back in the 80’s and then it was not a decoration. But had more to it than just being a whip.