I received this 06 Mastiff non running. It has the RIP kit installed. It wasn't getting power to the ignition module. So after pulling off the gas tank to check all the connections, which was a pain in the ass, I tried a new PCB switch, a new ignition switch, which I had as spares. Nothing fixed it. So I gave up and started fixing the tag light. The wires were broke off. All this time I made sure the two wires from the tag light weren't touching each other. So put together the wires for the light. Turned the key on to make sure the tag light worked. Well the ignition module also worked. Thought it was fixed. I have started the bike up on and off for the last couple of days. Well today I'm back to the same problem. Is there a relay or something? The 40 amp fuse is good. I have no idea what could be going on. Hoping someone else on here may of had the same problem, or at least give me an idea I may of overlooked.