Rear wheel spacing.

Energy One


Anyone know the proper formula for determining total rear wheel spacing an measurements between hardtail axle slots minus hub...etc
Or should on factor in some tension into the equation???

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Verifying stock ones ...due to rear belt alignment issues....

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My belt always tracks hard in when backing up and on hwy goes in and out like something is off

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For sure over n over, a front wheel n straight edge...n laser

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Brent Herridge

Active Member
Does your belt ride on the pulley and dust the wheel with belt shavings ? Mine has done it the whole time I've had it over the past year.

After replacing the belt I now realize the root cause. Alignment is not perfect, so the belt rides against the outer edge of the rear pulley.


Yes rides on pully n when backing up goes towards tore n.rubs

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I've concluded my buddy was right, these bikes were built pieces of shit..nothing is right on em even the fucking handle bars came bent from the factory..thinking fuck this bike 4ight now...tired of working on junk

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I've concluded my buddy was right, these bikes were built pieces of shit..nothing is right on em even the fucking handle bars came bent from the factory..thinking fuck this bike 4ight now...tired of working on junk

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Mines Sweet.


Well-Known Member
I've concluded my buddy was right, these bikes were built pieces of shit..nothing is right on em even the fucking handle bars came bent from the factory..thinking fuck this bike 4ight now...tired of working on junk

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From your original post....
Just picked up 02 pitbull after decades of hd. Have service manual butvam looking for owners manual. Any help is appreciated.

A little food for thought......

First...……. Ditto with what speedball jr. said "Mines Sweet".
Second.... You are dealing with a seventeen (17) year old bike
Third....…. Not the original owner and perhaps not the second, third, etc. so you don't know who jacked it up; i.e., "handle bars bent from the factory"?
Fourth..... If this bike is causing that much frustration and grief, "tired of working on junk"... might be time to sell it?

I've concluded my buddy was right, these bikes were built pieces of shit..nothing is right on em even the fucking handle bars came bent from the factory..thinking fuck this bike 4ight now...tired of working on junk

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Slow down, so let’s go to the issue your having which is the alignment.
What year and model bike do you own ?
Do you have the service manual ?

1. Check you axle adjustment to ensure both a evenly aligned, you said this has been done , not questioning but this is critical to getting the belt aligned and tensioned correctly.
2. You were asking for the spacer sizes , not sure year or model bike you own ? I would pull and check for wear of the spacers, and ensure they are installed correctly it does matter!
3. Could be your transmission is not in alignment or your rear pulley is warped or out of alignment, there was a member on here who was having issues because a shop did not install the spacer between the hub and the rear pulley.
This is a start no need to bash big dogs sure they have had some issues but IMO are great bikes.
It may also help to get some photos or videos posted so you can get some recommendations on what to look for.
Good luck


Have a 2002 pitbull, that I bought last year w 5000 on it. Since I bought it the belt would go up again tire when backing up and would travel back n forth on front pully on hwy. Could never get to track center both ways.

After primary noise tore done n replace compensator n used 8 foot lights to center rear wheel to front...

Then checked with squares n level. All mounts, engine, trans and axle are ,+- .010 at worst.

Then w true rear wheel built trans adjusters off rear peg mounts so could push either side to true trans w wheel..

Problem is trans is the engine has no adjustment and is mounted to trans by basically the only adjustment is rear wheel...since trans is dictated by engine n primary.

That's fucked up for obvious reasons..
It "appears" that the rear axle is properly spaced but who knows ..unable to find formula BD used to set up spacers or any other specs. Belt has always found home on shifter side if front pully.

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I do have service manual also ..n mine did NOT have a pully spacer but I added a .060 on it n did not solve issue so took off.

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If anyone has formula for setting up axle spacers for first time I would appreciate a copy or any advice

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Bought bike from original owner n noticed bars were bent so tore down n bought new set from bigdog in k. They to were bent exactly as mine. They investigated n found all the new bars were bent in same way from manufacturers..bad jig apoarently.

Love the bike but damn many flaws from factory...
Primary also needed to be filed as high spots from chroming were never removed. .

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Active Member
I was having the exact same issues with belt tracking. No matter how many times i checked and adjusted alignment, it would not track true. I ended up replacing rear pulley, transmission pulley, and belt. Set belt tension and alignment, and it's perfect now.


That's my next move... was thinking its just worse that way now...ugh

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