2004 Ridgeback died on the road yesterday


Well-Known Member
I got home a little while ago, taking the trailer back to my daughter's house in Lebanon, picked up my wife on the way to Lebanon. Let me tell you folks this,"Was a good day" all the way around, great trip to Camden, everything was great. I absolutely feel I left what is known around my house as the "Scooter" in very good hands, no doubt at all! There were several things we talked about, I really enjoyed today. The ole scooter will in much better shape to take the country roads than it was before, for sure. Not just because it was running a few minutes after getting unloaded, even though it did sound good again so soon after sitting on the side of the road for while. I really just felt good about situation today, through the day. I have old roots almost in walking distance of where I left the old Scooter this afternoon. I visited my other uncle on the way out, and talked to the old boss abouit 20 minutes on the way home, sync on my ole truck, not holding a phone. I had a great day, the scoots in great hands, I will be very pleased. I figured the wire plus was going out soon, I have not got to ride much or it would have went out sooner, and I knew it was junk at this point, had a pretty good feeling that was the issue, it needed fixing and it will be and the other stuff will be taken care of too. I have have never left anything like my truck or the scooter with ever that I felt like it is is good hands. I rode by my Grand Father's old place on the way home, really just a few miles away too. A great day ! :)
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Second Chance Customs
Supporting Member
Mr.Ray i will do my best to get you back in the saddle quickly...ehc will ship out this morning, i should have it by Thursday..i got your old harness out last night and all the new harness back in and ready for the ehc..

I will tear down the entire front end this evening and see what all it needs...hopefully the fork tubes are good but i doubt they will be with 19,000 miles on it, we will see.. also my concern with the triple trees will be looked at tonight as i get the front end off of it and ofcourse new bearing will be installed while im there

I will get you all new bearing in the front and rear wheels also..i probably got a good used speedometer to save you some cash


Well-Known Member
Ray, you made the right choice. Second Chance Customs to the rescue! Now you will need come visit the rest of the crew. :chopper: :chopper:
I actually could see that happening, I will able to ride further away from home for sure now thanks to Second Chance! I avoid the rain, I kind of got all the scars I want to deal with in this lifetime! :) Thanks for the Recomendation! 2


Well-Known Member
Knothead will deliver you a solid bike !

And nothing fixed that don't need fixing !
It was cool watching someone that really, really knows these bikes, unlike myself. . Over my lifetime I've watched and learned so much in the things I know how to do, usually it is the old guys fixing to retire. ( I recently retired! ) People I do know, like forever, both my uncles said almost the same thing you just said. I did not call either one of my uncles to like get references, just to see if they would be home, but they both said the same things I kind of already knew watching someone that really knew the little things, I felt good about coming to Camden from the moment we spoke Sunday afternnon. I am looking forwards to riding it after the things are corrected. I have absolutely no doubts it will be much better than it ever has been.


Well-Known Member
The first time the original just quit going to a poker run about 60 miles from home, riding a few people running about 80 on the interstate. It just quit! There was nothing! The wire plus studered and a few times. I kind of figured that was the issue.


Well-Known Member
Makes Me :) ... Ya'll want a laugh, This just happened minutes ago. I was going through the house and noticed the place where I keep the "Scooter" key, and it was open, there was no Scooter key!!!!!!!! I thought a second, What in the crap have I done with the " Scooter" key!!!! Maybe gridded my teeth a second, to keep that filthy mouth from arising. Then I rolled my eyes and remembered the key is in Camden ! :)


Second Chance Customs
Supporting Member
Triple trees are back on and good now...started taking the lowers off for a seal kit...my gosh i have never smelled oil this stinky in my life...it is way way worse than gear oil ever thought about stinking..



It will crank after it sit a while and hitting the start button a few times, sometimes just waiting, and trying again. This Am it did not seem to want to crank, and I did not try to overly jack with it, and get frustrated.
It won’t take much cranking before your battery is not able to crank. So, make sure to charge up the battery between starts.


Well-Known Member
It won’t take much cranking before your battery is not able to crank. So, make sure to charge up the battery between starts.
You can quote me on this, :) I agree about the battery 100%. Possibly the biggest reason I did not sell it a few times in the past was because, even after sometimes sitting covered up for long periods of time, several months sometimes. Make sure the battery was up, choke it, twist the throttle 3 times, and it would fire and run like I rode it the day before. It kind of wakes the neighbors, rattles windows near. I trailered it 3 times 1st: when the original wiring died, 2nd: when the wire plus died past Saturday, 3rd: Monday when It took a ride to Camden. I will ride it home soon with full confidence I absolutely don't need a trailer to get me back home, and in better shape than it has ever been in , in all it's life, Thanks to Knothead! Comes very highly recomended too ! Not just because he lives in walking distance of my uncle either :)! That is my other uncle Nathan, Knothead worked with him too !


Second Chance Customs
Supporting Member
One of the things that a little aggravating on the 04 models if replacing the main harness is you have to make up your on yellow wire running from the coil/keyswitch harness to the ignition module and ofcourse pull it thru the frame which isnt a big deal...i just wanted to let folks know that own 04 models this is what you have to do
