Bandit Clutch & Carrier May be next?

Energy One


Active Member
anybody know the cutoff point on 05's ....mine was delivered may 27th 2005
my clutch feels fine but from the sound of things it will just happen
Clutch WOES NO MO!

Bandit going in my '05 Dog on Tuesday morning. It's about 400.00 with labor and seals, but I'm tired of the gremlins and ready for some piece of mind.


Active Member
put in a karata open primary over the weekend.

glad to see i had updated clutch basket , mine is a 05 delivered end of may in 05 and everything looked fine

oh and btw the karata primary is sick...the blower noise is out of control


Active Member
put in a karata open primary over the weekend.

glad to see i had updated clutch basket , mine is a 05 delivered end of may in 05 and everything looked fine

oh and btw the karata primary is sick...the blower noise is out of control
Any pic's?
What exactly do you mean by "blower noise"


New Member
Been through it twice in 6000 miles on my third clutch install now would recommend bandit machine works clutch and carriers there is a guy there by the name steve guide you thru the works Bigdog clutches suck! Third one installed just a month ago under warranty with only 10 days remaining to warranty big fight to get covered!


Active Member
its makes a blower whine....hey staffy didnt you get a karata primary

i'll have some pics in a few days
Did I :lol: :lol: :up: :up: YES...was going to wait until I got back from vacation before I installed it and planned to get some anodozing done to the OBS bracket so as to match the bike - can't wait - so I jacked up the bike last night and started - Should have it ready in time for the weekend.

Bought TWO OBS brackets - will have one anodozied while I ride with the other - The dog is on the operating table - new PRIMARY - KP Oil filter (black with diamond cut - thanks to Jake) and working on a NEW SEAT - should be done by the time I return from vacation.


Active Member
great will love the whine....did you ask jim for a shirt/cap
i embroidered him some nice stuff!


Active Member
its makes a blower whine....hey staffy didnt you get a karata primary

i'll have some pics in a few days
Finished the installed - raining but still had to take the dog for a short spin...NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN BY "BLOWER WHINE"....loving it:lol: :lol: :lol: The damn thing ROCKS....WOW...V.V.V.V.V. Happy:up: :up:


Low Down Chop Shop
How much should I expect to pay for a Bandit clutch set up? And can you buy direct from them?
You can buy direct from Bandit. In my thread I posted all the prices. Bearings, new hub, clutch kit, carrier, oil, and O-rings and all was about $600.


The Pirate
Staff member
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How much should I expect to pay for a Bandit clutch set up? And can you buy direct from them?
Buy it from our sponsor WB Cycles and save a bunch of money. He now carries them.



Chopper Nutt
Pulled my Clutch last night!

I was having issues of the bike creeping while the clutch was engaged and I figured i would pull it last night to see what was going on and it looked just like Jakes pictures here. I do have the earlier 05 Ridgeback so I do have the weaker basket so I'm going to see if BDM will cover it out of warranty. :bang:

Some more pics of the lovely Baker DSSC Carrier!!
This is how it came out of the bike!!
It wasn't making any uncommon noise, the only thing it started doing was wanting to creep at a stop with the clutch in and in gear.
Vet bills... Hate em!!!



Troop Supporter
Wow Chopper you got lucky on that one, glad you weren't doing 70 down the road and that thing let loose...