Dog Down! Oil Light On


The tap tap noise you heard was probably a lifter not pumping up due to inadequate oil pressure. If the noise went away after you cleaned the screen you got lucky and it was only the dirty screen blocking oil flow, but have another listen to be sure..... In my opinion you don't need an oil pressure gauge: if the lifters are clattering you don't have enough oil pressure and if the lifters are not clattering you have enough oil pressure.


Active Member
My local Harley shop said they wouldn't even change my tires and even if I take the rims off because it's not American made.
so to be a smartass I said " Change them on my hayabusa?"
The tech says "ya, should be able to"

It wasn't worth the argument.


Supporting Member
I spoke with a Big Dog part supplier yesterday (I'll get you his name/Company later) about a gauge. He had the adapter in stock, but didn't have any gauges. He told me all his usual suppliers started using plastic lens instead of glass. He said the plastic would not stand up to the engine heat...melt...then leak glycol all over the motor. Also, he told me there was a plug on the gauge where the glycol is added and without a cover/case the plug will get pushed out...same thing...glycol everywhere. So, he sells a Stainless Steel Case fir the unit. He said the Stainless will polish up nicely. He told me that he will locate a vendor that uses a glass lenz, and then offer the full package. He is supposed to call me vack today. When he does I'll post the info.


Supporting Member
The tap tap noise you heard was probably a lifter not pumping up due to inadequate oil pressure. If the noise went away after you cleaned the screen you got lucky and it was only the dirty screen blocking oil flow, but have another listen to be sure..... In my opinion you don't need an oil pressure gauge: if the lifters are clattering you don't have enough oil pressure and if the lifters are not clattering you have enough oil pressure.
After I cleaned the screen and restarted the bike, I couldn't hear the top end noise... however I only ran the motor for 10-15 seconds and I was primarily focused on whether the oil light remained in. As soon as I saw that it was, I shut it down. Also, I was in a relatively small Shop/Storage Building, so the noise from the pipes would have prevented me from hearing anything tapping lightly. At the very least I want to go ahead and install a gauge to determine if I had partial flow, or total failure. I posted earlier that I've already requested a gauge from a Big Dog parts vendor.


Well-Known Member
My local Harley shop said they wouldn't even change my tires and even if I take the rims off because it's not American made.
so to be a smartass I said " Change them on my hayabusa?"
The tech says "ya, should be able to"

It wasn't worth the argument.
Not following...... What's not American Made?
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This happen on my 77 FLH once on a trip with Th3Infamous as we were only 2-days into a week trip and it sucked.
My oil light came on and the motor sounded alright, but could not checked everything that was easy, but decided not to ride anymore.
The sad think is I was on a trip and had to rent a U-Haul to get back.
When I took it the oil pump apart I found a snap ring had broke causing the oil not to flow, a damn $2.00 part.
I can’t help but asking, is it possible that the pressure sending unit has gone bad? I’ve had it happen on some vehicles. 1 car and one tr
I am thinking this is the 1st place to start....


Well-Known Member
How many miles are on you're bike? There are certain things that S&S recommends changing at 16 to 20,000 miles so if you are at that mileage it may be prudent to do it all at the same time.


Supporting Member
How many miles are on you're bike? There are certain things that S&S recommends changing at 16 to 20,000 miles so if you are at that mileage it may be prudent to do it all at the same time.
The bike has 22K, but had a complete Top End rebuild at 18K. Oil pump was not replaced though.

King Lear

I agree with Ted, put a gauge on it and see what it looks like. The last place I would take any bike is a Harley shop, especially not a Big Dog.

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I would agree to that, most here in Nashville look at you like your an asshole when you even mention owning a Big Dog or Ironhorse. If they did take I would be afraid of the quality of work since they already dont like it. If your going to take it somewhere I would find a reputable V-Twin shop that works on customs

King Lear

That's some really good information. I ordered a Pressure gauge yesterday. I'm in Kentucky and Winter is right around the corner so I have plenty of time to decide which way to go. I really prefer being able to work on the bike myself so I'm eager to give this a try. However, I also realize that a mistake could cost me an engine so I'm not totally sure I want to go that route yet. I'm still constructing my shop/storage building so it will be a few weeks before I would be equipped to try. I'll decide what to do then. I do think I'll stay away from the Harley Dealership, heard nothing good about that. Thanks alot...if I decide to give this a try I'd like to get back with you and go over a few details.
Hey, I see 82nd Airborne, if you are at Ft. Campbell, I am in Pleasant View, Tn about 25 minutes from post down I-24. R and B Cycles in Nashville will work on your Big Dog. They have a guy that will come to your house and tow it back to him. Rich worked on my Ironhorse and did my 124" S&S build on my 17 Road Glide Special.


Supporting Member
That was all done by previous owner. I know he upgraded to a 600 cam. This guy loved the bike, wouldn't surprise me at all if he did the rebuild 'Before' it was necessary. I couldn't think of anything he didn't do until now (oil pump). He replaced axles, bearing, brake pads, rebuilt calipers, battery, clutch and brake cables, new Kickstand, chrome starter, looks like around $2,000 in top end rebuild parts including billet rocker box covers, front & rear led turn sugnals, throttle and idle cables, new forks, billet passenger peg adapters, gasket sets...and thats not everything...but you get the picture. Those forks were $800. He showed me the old ones, they had a couple of small spots where the chrome bubbled up. Also, complete factory rebuild on the Bajer tranny! Everything documented, with pictures! I tell you all this simply to suggest that it didn't take much to compel him to replace something on the bike.


Active Member
That was all done by previous owner. I know he upgraded to a 600 cam. This guy loved the bike, wouldn't surprise me at all if he did the rebuild 'Before' it was necessary. I couldn't think of anything he didn't do until now (oil pump). He replaced axles, bearing, brake pads, rebuilt calipers, battery, clutch and brake cables, new Kickstand, chrome starter, looks like around $2,000 in top end rebuild parts including billet rocker box covers, front & rear led turn sugnals, throttle and idle cables, new forks, billet passenger peg adapters, gasket sets...and thats not everything...but you get the picture. Those forks were $800. He showed me the old ones, they had a couple of small spots where the chrome bubbled up. Also, complete factory rebuild on the Bajer tranny! Everything documented, with pictures! I tell you all this simply to suggest that it didn't take much to compel him to replace something on the bike.
Ge930790, member: 19901"]
That was all done by previous owner. I know he upgraded to a 600 cam. This guy loved the bike, wouldn't surprise me at all if he did the rebuild 'Before' it was necessary. I couldn't think of anything he didn't do until now (oil pump). He replaced axles, bearing, brake pads, rebuilt calipers, battery, clutch and brake cables, new Kickstand, chrome starter, looks like around $2,000 in top end rebuild parts including billet rocker box covers, front & rear led turn sugnals, throttle and idle cables, new forks, billet passenger peg adapters, gasket sets...and thats not everything...but you get the picture. Those forks were $800. He showed me the old ones, they had a couple of small spots where the chrome bubbled up. Also, complete factory rebuild on the Bajer tranny! Everything documented, with pictures! I tell you all this simply to suggest that it didn't take much to compel him to replace something on the bike.
I think he missed a part.