If the bike starts and doesn’t make any unusual sounds, that’s good. Is the tapping sound you mentioned in your first post still there? Engine wear is supposed to be gradual, but an incident without oil pressure will accelerate that wear. If you had partial oil pressure, you might not have hurt it at all.
Any competent mechanic can do a leak down test (check to see if the cylinders hold a steady level of compression psi). Look it up on Utube and you’ll know, too. If there is excessive wear on the piston rings and cylinder walls, it won’t hold compression very long. That will give you an idea if there was significant wear on the piston rings, which is a decent overall perdictor of engine wear. If you can get your hands on one, do it yourself.
If it turns out to be a failed oil pump, you may get away with a $50 (or so) rebuild kit. As I recall replacement S&S oil pumps are about $500 or so. If you have some tools and decent skills, just go to any of Mr. Wright’s posts. On the bottom is a link to all the manuals—download yours and think about doing it yourself. It just takes time and care. You do have to remove the rocker boxes, lifters, and camshaft. Then you’ll know how to do that too. The instructions explain how to avoid cavitation. I think I took some kind of syringe to put oil in the pump before firing it up. You’ll have an oil gauge on it by then, so you’ll be OK.
FWIW, I value a local wrench who is skilled with our Evo design engines over a HD dealership any day.....this repair is not a difficult one for any shop, if you decide to go that way.
Appreciate your service—I was Army ‘66-‘68, combat engineers.