go back to sleep, mike. :roll::roll::roll: the broken one was in the front, this one was in the rear.
Ditto on that woodbutcher! The valve broke in the front cylinder and that repair was done by a local shop. They do good work, but damn, the labor was as much as the parts. :angry: I got the whole upper end (both cylinders) off ebay for $850 along with 2 new sets of rings. Only needed half, so I sold the other half and got some of my money back. I had just joined the forum and had just bought my Dog. Some of you guys are so technical that it's hard to follow, but once I understand how things work, I'll get better with time. Right now, I just want to ride!go back to sleep, mike. :roll::roll::roll: the broken one was in the front, this one was in the rear.
Lee, I don't believe that for a second, but thanks for the comment anyway. You and a lot of others on this site know your shit, and that's not just from reading comments on the forum. There's a handful of you that everyone can count on for damn good advice and you can bet your ass, we know who you are and we pay close attention. I'm certainly not one that is dumb struck and believes everything he hears. I think I got "john" a little (lot) pissed when I asked if he was on dope or dog food because I had a visual of something in my mind and it wasn't what he was talking about. It turns out that he races and rebuilds these motors 24/7, but I'm still going to piss off a few folks unless they can explain something in my terms, which means you have to "simplyfy".don't do yourself down Brad - that's some good work you're doing there. Most on here, including me, would be very wary about going inside the motor itself.
NO RAY!! That's not the answer I was looking for!Well that's a bummer. Hope you discover what the problem is. :up:
I know you'll get all kinds of theories and remarks of test to perform from everyone wanting too help. So here's mine!
1- Perform a compression check
2- Perform a "Leak Down" like you're thinking.
By thinking about what you're describing, I just wondering if a lifter might have gone away. Just a Maybe
Good Luck! :2thumbs:
Not yet, tried putting on the cylinders but couldn't do it by myself with all those rings. No buddies came over yesterday. Have one coming this afternoon to help.Did you get your bike back together?
Dead, Help me out here. IS the lifter directly under the pushrod?What do you mean by "gone away"? I give it a good home and feed it regular. :roll: Is there a way to check what you're talking about? Pulling the push rod is quick and easy. I think I read on a thread that you can use a magnet to extract the lifter, but since I wasn't sure where the lifter was, I didn't do that. :loony: But I do have a magnet!
I don't recall reading about the "lifters" in the manual, but I may have not been looking for it in the right place.
I just happen to have a 12-point, quarter inch socket. I guess if the lifter is beat up/bad, it would be visually obvious? If it gives me trouble again this afternoon, I'll extract the lifters and take a look at'em.I mentioned this the other day. With that stuck spring the cam is still rotating and may have beat up the lifter that is basically just bouncing around with the spring stuck by that bolt.
Thanks guys. I guess I'll start with a leak down test. That should show if the intake or valves didn't seal. If all is well there, on to the lifters. Who knows? Maybe it fixed itself while I was at work today!check for an intake leak
As Marv stated check for intake leak by spraying carb. cleaner or WD-40 on "intake" connections at both heads and at carb. If leaking, Idle speed will possibly chance during spraying!
Then run the bike until it starts missing again, then do a "compression test"! Auto parts stores sell compression gauge or tester.
Then do a "Leak Down Test" if all else fails or to make a better determination of location. "Some" auto stores sell these, but most don't. There is a post that described on how-to build your own leak tester somewhere on here.
Do these test in order! Simplest 1st, then to more difficult testing items. I think in your case, you're going to find out more with the compression test than a leak test because you're having a "Intermittent" dead mis! Leak test just tells you the amount of wear by showing the % of leak bye the rings or valves. It's a "constant failure or problem". It also helps in pin pointing in what area the problem is as well.
Sorry Bud, but it sounds like you're in a whole different area than a "leak down test" would show if it runs "fine" one minute and then starts missing the next, and then cycles this scenario again the next time it's started.
Hope this Helps! Good Luck!
I think you're confusing ignorance for enthusiasm.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Believe Me when I say that type of enthusiasm is Great, But it "Won't Last Forever!
I hope you see this before you tearing anything apart!
While the site was down I had another thought about the described problem of missing after it's warmed up. I know it's gonna sound stupid but....
Were you extra careful when you adjusted the valves, when you put it back together? Sometimes that can be tricky on lifters after they're not pre-loaded anymore! You can compress one without even knowing it if you're not really careful or sure.
What I'm thinking here is: The lifter might be just a little compressed during your initial start up, than as it warms up the lifter pressure builds up as well causing the valve lash to be "Too Tight"! And that would be your rough running and even possibly some backfiring somewhat.
This is possibly what's going on! Hope so, it's an easy fix!:2thumbs: