What size Sissy Bar are You Using?

I have the 12" sissy bar, I just liked the way it looks better. Have the BD touring bag also, fits great. Wife likes the 12" setup.

Everybody likes different things. Thats why they make different sizes


Active Member
nice setup. What seat do you have on the back? Looks different than a normal BD pillion pad, different brand? Looks more comfortable. Thanks for the pics.


Active Member
nice setup. What seat do you have on the back? Looks different than a normal BD pillion pad, different brand? Looks more comfortable. Thanks for the pics.

I noticed that too. Not the same as my pillow seat.


I like the 18" because you get that old school look. Plus the girl can lean all over it and it comes above her mid back easy. I just leave it on, either way, they come off in about 2 minutes, but the tall one works better for packing a bunch of stuff, as knotso points out quite well...


I have the 18" on my K9 and a leather Tbag IMOHO it looks great with the big bar on it and holds lots of travel gear when on the road.


The Pirate
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Oscar, let me just say on one trip we stopped in to see Rays Family and there was not enough room for a bag of walla walla sweet onions between the 2 of us.

Here are a few more pics:

Don't these pics just want you to load up your bike and take off? :D

I'm ready right now to head across country again........ Only if I had a bike in my garage. :rant:
nice setup. What seat do you have on the back? Looks different than a normal BD pillion pad, different brand? Looks more comfortable. Thanks for the pics.
It has HBS stitched on it. I have the BDM pillion pad but the wife liked this one better. Looks almost like the two-up seat.
Whatever size you do get, you need to check with Nelson at WB Cycles for his price. He always has the best price and quick shipping. Plus he knows these Bigdogs and you get the right part the first time.


Active Member
Definitely go with the 18". I bought the smaller one and sent it back for the longer one. More support and better looking too. If you want to take it off, it's just two set screws and the locking set screws to remove it. About a 30 second job.

With the taller sissy bar, you can stack more stuff up for a trip. I also suggest getting the luggage rack attachment too. Especially if you don't have a King and Queen seat.


Active Member
Get the 18" sissy bar. The 12 seems to be at a different angle than the 18". The 18" is perfect for packing all kinds of stuff. The back rest pad also is more comfortable on it. My wife prefers it to the 12". I've had both and stuck with the 18"


I have the 12" on my Pitbull and use a Riggs set up thats a larger set of bags...I also added the luggage rack....IMO the shorter sissy bar looks better on the prostreet style.....