Been busy with Christmas & stuff. But yesterday worked on the rear head. It's all broke apart, valves, seats, springs, retainers, seals all removed. So started the same process I used on jugs. Red scotch to grind the ruff cast off to smooth scratched AL, then 400-600-800-1000 with Dremel tool, then 1000 & 1500 by hand on outer fins. Then mothers & dremel for polish, then buffing wheel to brighten. I need to use a tooth brush to clean the left over polish out of the S&S logos still. But here is a pic of head sitting on jug for good measure. While its not perfect, i think it will really help the over all look of the bike/ motor once all back together with the Chrome rocker boxes, Ignition cover, and stuff.
Tomorrow I will try & knock out the front head. I already scotched it so just dremel work & polishing left. Will then lap the valves for good measure, install new valve seals, & put seats, springs, & retainers back in... then it's just polishing intake manifold & carb.. bolt it back together & see how the cam works.
Also while polishing carb. Plan to pull apart & see what jets I have been running & will then order a few so if I need to make a change with new cam I have them. Seems like can pretty easily guess what the 107 & 600 likes. Pic of head sitting on jug