while driving some sound came and engine died


Active Member
Sorry to hear. Please describe the sound it made before dying. When you say it doesn’t crank. As in the starter doesn’t engage or it won’t turn the motor?


I just like my Freedom
Start by removing both spark plugs. See if it will turn over freely. @ this point you can drop a bore scope into each cylinder to see if there is any obvious motor damage. If still not turning over, pull the outer primary cover and ck to see the small 7/16 starter bolt hasnt come loose. From there you can begin to eliminate "could be's". Meaning, could it be this or that....ect.


Second Chance Customs
Supporting Member
Or possibly the basket bolts broke and its got it jammed up on the ring gear....possible that a basket bolt broke and is jammed up under the ring gear against the primary bottom locking it where it cant move....like Mr. Wright said pull the inspection cover off....if you dont see nothing clearly pull the whole cover off


Active Member
There must be more to the story. What had you done or was doing that you normally don’t do when you hear a noise. What kind of noise. How long had you rode prior to this. What modifications have you done and had you done anything just prior to this. Just normal riding and nothing done different wouldn’t cause severe engine failure. Something seems off here.