Contest: Design the Big Dog Biker Patch

Jersey Big Mike

100K mile club
After too much time and unable to really come up with something, I'm going to open this up to the members and see what kind of ideas you can come up with.

You don't need to be an artist, I can refine your design prior to having the patch created, it's the actual thought/idea that's needed.

I'm thinking a month for submissions, public poll to narrow down the choices to 3 or 4, then another poll for the final design... all membership driven.

Thoughts, input or ideas????

I really want to get this going and the reason it hasn't gotten anywhere is 150% my fault so, help me out guys and gals. :cheers:

And I'll come up with some ideas as far as what the winner gets.
Ok, here's a quick thought

Maybe cleaning it up and doing the envelope contor and the outline as well
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05 old dog

Well-Known Member
can we have a special one made for numb nuts...maybe a big dog mirror with a tiny sillouett of a harley in the background...and maybe the caption ...objects in mirror arent even close. really just the site logo is girls...unless its BB sig pic


Active Member
Lookup BDM Part numbers BDM-BD5 , BDM405-00412 .. I dig those patches. If you could incorporate Big Dog Biker with it it'd be sweet. Someone with photoshop skills could easily remove the "motorcycle" from those patches and put "" or whatever you like.

They key is to keep it simple and to not make it look gaudy/80's!


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Here's what I did for last years Sturgis patch...

I can edit it down to just the name and tire...


I like something along the lines of erldawg's ideas. I like the whole "made in the USA" or American pride being incorporated somehow, just my two cents.


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How about a patch in the with the american flag done in like a black and silver back ground with a mean ass looking bulldog in front with a spiked collar eye patch or skull in cross bones wearing a helmet slogan "American bread bigdog biker for life"
I am no artist but may be able to sketch some rough ideas up. Just my 2 cents
I like aspects of this idea...


Active Member
Lookup BDM Part numbers BDM-BD5 , BDM405-00412 .. I dig those patches. If you could incorporate Big Dog Biker with it it'd be sweet. Someone with photoshop skills could easily remove the "motorcycle" from those patches and put "" or whatever you like.

They key is to keep it simple and to not make it look gaudy/80's!

Maybe use the bottle opener graphic without 'MEMBER'. Don't have access to editing software right now but something along the lines of:



Bad dog, no bisquit
Just thinking, if we order enough, we may be able to get some personalization.
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