Contest: Design the Big Dog Biker Patch


Well as for Myself so far I like the BIG TIRE from the coin and the heading on the page . AS N8KAM shows but change a tire for the bike or two tires at both ends. You will have to think of a placement to put the patch such as bottom of leathers or smaller for a hat . Also in vinyl for helmet stickers. I may have access from my uncle to produce ether embroidered patches or vinyl.


Bad dog, no bisquit
Easy to spot in a crowd. In white letters above center logo, name of bike. MUTT,K9,BULLDOG,ect
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I like that but thinking of something with the entire patch is the flag black and silver. The dog is in the forefront of the patch.


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I'm liking the ideas guys. :cheers:


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Lookup BDM Part numbers BDM-BD5 , BDM405-00412 .. I dig those patches. If you could incorporate Big Dog Biker with it it'd be sweet. Someone with photoshop skills could easily remove the "motorcycle" from those patches and put "" or whatever you like.

They key is to keep it simple and to not make it look gaudy/80's!
Here's what I did for last years Sturgis patch...

I can edit it down to just the name and tire...
I like all these ideas but I think I'd rather have a good quality T-shirt or sweatshirt/Hoodie than a patch.


The Wicked Irishman
Something like this?

Although I like the pic. I don't think the bulldog is the best suited example of our bikes. Have you seen a bulldog run? 30 feet or 30 seconds then they lay around for ever. Reminds me of a broken down bike. But I do love bulldogs!
How about something like this without the cheesy eagle. I was thinking the flag in black and silver with a dog in the middle "pitbull" maybe. " American bred BigDog Biker"images-1.jpeg




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pauldeepsea is on to something here with a lil twist
The American flag with a Big Dog Chopper in the middle, with the lower patch saying "Proud to be an American"
black and silver flag meaning: The black and silver American flag shows the readiness of the American public to be able to bear the current recession and their will and perseverance to get through these difficult times. Irrespective of the skin color of the individuals in the country, everybody is suffering I googled this shit but think it is fitting for the state of our economy. just for shits how about the chopper done with a red white and blue flag theme centered in front of the black and silver flag. "proud to be an american" at the bottom!


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pauldeepsea is on to something here with a lil twist
The American flag with a Big Dog Chopper in the middle, with the lower patch saying "Proud to be an American"
I like the idea but we do have non-American members.