Contest: Design the Big Dog Biker Patch


Good idea including the members ideas into this effort.
Here's my two cents: Try to picture this = I'm patriotic and a veteran so I would start with an American flag as the entire background then center the BDB babe we all recognise standing as she does with a "smaller" Biker resembling the popular GHOST Rider passing between her legs and the Big Dog Biker lettering as it is on this site- HS OMG it gives me chills just think'n about it in print - WOW! sorry I was gett'n carried away!

Tomtang aka Reptilejim

Well-Known Member
Trying to incorporate flags from 327 chevy emblem with large S&S cylinders and a terrifing face of a pit bull terrier. The flags from the chevy emblem can be american flags but in the same stance as the chevy emblem sitting in the V of the S&S cylinders
with the pit bulls head at the top in the v of the chevy flags and at the bottom say" Fear None but Respect All". Just my fuckin 2 pennies!