Documenting the rebuild of my Pro Sport 107 - motor, exhaust, etc and some WTFs


Well-Known Member
If you think your original silver was ugly my painter said mine was actually black and white marbleized like a bowling ball.He said it was too ugly to even take a pic of it. Then it was blue and white.


Go Fast, Go Faster
look on the good side, you got to build the skoot the way you wanted it. unfortunately, all you can do is laugh about it. hurts too much to cry.
Yeh true- you really can't get seriously angry about this stuff- it happens, it's a used motorcycle, sometimes that's just the way it goes- I always try my best to make lemonade out of lemons (pun intended!)


Go Fast, Go Faster
If you think your original silver was ugly my painter said mine was actually black and white marbleized like a bowling ball.He said it was too ugly to even take a pic of it. Then it was blue and white.
LOL!! I think that BDM must have been watching too many "Miami Vice" re-runs or reviewing old Nagel paintings when designing those early Pro Sport color schemes... some crazy pimp shit and NOT in a good way.. :job:


Go Fast, Go Faster
But I got to hand it to BDM going with the Daytec FXR-style frame. You can never go wrong with that! :up: :up: :up:


Go Fast, Go Faster
got er runnin!

OK so shop got her test fired on Sunday afternoon and this morning seated the rings and initial test ride. All good- I took her for a spin around the block and oh ya- she's good :whoop:

I took the maiden ride 15 miles up to my bud's house and parked it in garage- was a bit logistically challenged today so I'll bring her home tomorrow morning. I tell you this motor comes on from crack of throttle until you decide to let up, it is smooth as butter power all the way and torquey as hell. A couple times I looked down at the speedo and was doing 90. I'm like WTF (with a big grin of course). And I am running a tad bit rich right now and with minimal advance- I can't wait to see what she'll do after some miles for break in and proper dial in. :D

The RB pipe is NICE! it is mellow on putt and where you want it at 2500-3000rpm freeway cruise. but get on that throttle and oh shit it is on- she barks like a beast. Everyone at the shop was saying it is one of the best sounding pipes they've heard and I would definitely agree. :2thumbs::2thumbs:

So here are a couple of roadside pics and a short vid- I apologize for the short vid, I will get something better up soon. I still need to put on the bars and risers and give her a good detail.

The 'candy black' paint job and carbon fiber overlays on the dash and oil tank are SICK. I need to get the right light to show it off in a photo.

Video clip of motor running and a couple of throttle blips (mp4 format):

Roadside- I really need to get the right light to pop that paint - it is actually very 3D looking in person - deep black with sapphire blue "pops" coming out of the paint when light hits it.

The oil tank and dash piece between gas tanks is full wrap carbon fiber with several layers of UV blocking clear coat. again I'll get some better pics. really cool effect.
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Go Fast, Go Faster
The only problem I've noticed (if you want to call it a "problem" heh) is the motor has such high cranking compression it is slamming the releases shut on the first spin of motor - so makes for a bit of a hard start when cold. the ignition does not fire until the 3rd rev. Anyone know if there are stiffer releases that won't slam shut so easily?


The Spaniard
You should wire the releases to the starter, that way they remain open while you are pushing the start button. Easy to do. It has been discussed here in some Thread.... if I find it I will send it to you.



The Spaniard
This is from a PM from "Coolbreezin" when I was asking the same question...

You asked for a How To on rewiring the compression releases. This isnt a How To, but its really simple.

Sticking out of the engine jugs at the very top will be two wires wrapped in a decorative sheath. Follow that sheath up to where it touches the underside of the gas tank. Cut it there. Inside is a green wire and the other is black. Push the sheath back and remove the insulation from the wires. Be careful not to damage the decorative sheath. Attach a wire to each of the exposed wires and route them towards your battery. The green is the hot and goes to the solenoid post where the thumb is touching (see pic in link), the black is the ground and I attached mine to the battery negative. Do both C/R's like this and youll be ok. Once you have the wires all routed, slide the decorative sheath coming out of the heads back up to the underside of the tank. It will now still look factory.

Electronic Compression release help

Good luck.


Go Fast, Go Faster
Thanks buddy- now all I need are some electronic releases LOL.

My Edelbrock heads have the releases milled into the side by spark plug so I'm running manual releases- electronic releases would look ugly as sin / no way to hide em.


Go Fast, Go Faster
well... no bike today. mech wanted me to swing back by the shop for a quick oil change, so of course I went over there. He pulled the case drain plug (they installed one since the TP cases do not have one), and he was seeing more sparkles in the case oil than he'd like. so he asked me to leave bike so he could scope the cylinders and stuff. So I left it and am waiting so see if this saga is over or ongoing. :(


Go Fast, Go Faster
mech scoped the cylinders and they show signs of scoring. motor has to come apart to find out what the cause is. I really don't know what to say. this bike has a gremlin living in it that does not want anyone to ride it. Anyway when I know more I'll post it up. effing depressing.


Well-Known Member
Gremlins could be stuck inside piston oilers these oil spray jets direct oil to bottom of pistons or there bent. Sorry to hear your back on the bench


Go Fast, Go Faster
yeh won't know until it is apart, can only see a little bit with the scope / just enough to know something is not right. pistons are new and everything was "operating room" clean before assembly.

but overall ya it sucks. I need some good luck here this bike has been fighting me tooth and nail all the way and I've seen things wrong with it that I typically only read about. I mean, how many oil tanks you heard of that came full of copper plating crust from the factory (and were left that way)? None.


Well-Known Member
Bore scopes are a great tool only needing a trained eye its the fines you found in the oil that are a big concern here. Using a magnet in the drain oil will tell a story too. Keep us posted of the root cause of failure!


Go Fast, Go Faster
yep the soap opera will continue as I find out more. :nopity:
I am running a KP filter with magnet so we'll see what's ferrous and what's not.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear this news. Was hoping for a lot better rewards for all your hard work. The bike does look great though. Love the color and that seat and the carbon fiber parts are really cool. Good luck man.