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Had these on since about 2003 but might be changing them out this year for the hooker 4 into 1 pipe.
I got the same scoot as you and had the Hookers 4 Bidden on my bike. They don't fit. Look up a thread of mine I had up a few months ago when I put them on. You could probably fab. some way to mount them or tap your frame, but its def. a project. The pipes are made to fit harleys and not 250 rear tire frames.

I will say that they do look great, sound great, and perform great.
Just didn't fit well.


Hello, Oscar Maldonado I don't want to cause a panic but the ultra slashed pipes that you are going to install on your bike may cause the stud on the rear cylinder to break. They are free floating and the vibration from the engine could cause the stud to break.I have a short set of pipes on my chopper and the vibration caused a stud on the rear cylinder of mine to break. I replaced the stud and made a short bracket running from the bolt that holds the pipes together to the transmission. No problems now... hope this info. will help


i have the 4-biddens and tapped the frame right thru the c-cut. they still should sit in about another 1/4". i might try to collapse the back of the pipe to make it up. they sound decent but seem to be a real good performance pipe. if you can get a used set it'd be worth messing with. if your gonna pay retail then get the RB pipe. IMO

Hey sul let me know what is the RB pipe your talking about?